
a cloud-based clipboard, yank text into a numbered cloud register on a machine, put the text from the cloud register on another machine.

Primary LanguagePython


A cloud-based clipboard, yank(copy) text into a numbered cloud register on a machine, put(paste) the text from the cloud register on another machine.

It uses GITHUB's gist as the cloud service.


  1. run command :CBInit to set up your own cloudboard.
  2. visual select the text that you want to copy (otherwise all the current buffer), use command :CBYank 0 to copy it into cloud register 0. CBYank
  3. open vim on another machine, use command :CBPut 0 to paste the text from cloud register 0. CBPut

Cloud Register

The number starts from 0, you can use anyone you'd like, for example:

:CBYank 5
:CBPut 5

:CBList to put the contents from all cloud registers into current buffer.

Auto Clear of Cloud Registers

When AutoClear is turned on for a cloud register, the content of the cloud register will be cleared automatically after its content is read by a CBPut action.

:CBAutoClear 2 to toggle on/off AutoClear of cloud register 2.

Cloud Files

Cloud files are named files stored in a GITHUB gist.

:CBSave test.c      to save selected range into a cloud file named test.c.
:CBLoad test.c      to load a cloud file test.c into current buffer.
:CBRm test.c        to delete a cloud file test.c.
:CBListFiles        to list all cloud files in the cloudboard gist.

Loading cloud files requires two requests to GITHUB, thus cloud register is faster to be used as a clipboard across machines. Cloud files is better when the text is huge, especial in case of that you prefer to save them for long period.

Recommended Mappings

nnoremap <space>p :CBPut 
vnoremap <space>y :CBYank 

Use it with internal simple service instead of gist

  1. start an internal simple service as below:

     python plugin/internal.py


    python plugin/internal.py -a brookhong:123456

The simple service will print auth_code, which will be used next step.

  1. open vim, and run command:

     CBAddInternalURL a http://<ip_of_running_internal_service>:8080/rega <auth_code_from_output_above>


    CBAddInternalURL a YnJvb2tob25nOjEyMzQ1Ng==
  1. Now, CBYank a and CBPut a will work with register a. You can add many other more registers in this way.

Use third party REST service with curl

Some example of ~/.cloudboard.json here.

    "self_service": {
        "z": {
            "push_cmd": "curl -s -u : --anyauth --location-trusted -b ~/.cloudboard.azn.cookie -c ~/.cloudboard.azn.cookie -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ \"pathEdits\": [ { \"editAction\": \"PUT\", \"path\": \"/description\", \"data\": \"%s\" } ] }' https://api.xxx.com/notes/133/edits",
            "pull_cmd": "curl -s -u : --anyauth --location-trusted -b ~/.cloudboard.azn.cookie -c ~/.cloudboard.azn.cookie https://api.xxx.com/notes/133",
            "pull_json": "result['description']"
  • push_cmd is the curl command to put text on remote storage, %s is the placeholder for the text to put.
  • pull_cmd is the curl command to yank text from remote storage.
  • pull_json is the expression to extract text from response of remote service, if that is a JSON response.

Another example is to use aws dynamodb as service,

    "self_service": {
        "z": {
            "pull_cmd": "aws dynamodb get-item --table-name MyRegisters --key '{\"reg_id\": {\"S\": \"1234\"}}'",
            "pull_json": "result['Item']['content']['S']",
            "push_cmd": "aws dynamodb update-item --table-name MyRegisters --key '{\"reg_id\": {\"S\": \"1234\"}}' --update-expression \"SET content=:clip\" --expression-attribute-values '{\":clip\": {\"S\": \"%s\"}}'"


Your VIM must have python support, check it with :python print 'hello'.

Bundle 'brookhong/cloudboard.vim'