Built the ccp(https://github.com/hbb20/CountryCodePickerProject) code on compose. Country Code Picker is an android library which provides an easy way to search and select country or international phone code.
In the build.gradle add maven central repository
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
Then, add library at app/build.gradle with following code
implementation 'com.github.UtkuGlsvn:ComposeCountryCodePicker:1.0.4'
- modifier -> button card modifier
- isOnlyFlagShow -> it only shows flag (remove country code) (default false, show country code)
- defaultSelectedCountry -> which country code is selected (default Andorra)
- pickedCountry -> The country you selected from the dialog
- dialogSearch -> search on/off (default true)
- dialogRounded -> set dialog roundend (default 12)
private val countryCodePicker = CountryCodePicker() //create new object
pickedCountry = {
"Selected Country ${it.countryName}",
defaultSelectedCountry = getLibCountries().single { it.countryCode == "us" },
dialogSearch = true,
dialogRounded = 22