
Various image strategies in Remix

Primary LanguageMDX

Remix Image Strategies

This is a WIP repo. Here are some things I'm going to try


  • Create a basic layout for each image page
  • Create basic example with no optimizations
  • Create vite-plugin-image-optimizer version
  • Create Sharp version
  • Create Unpic version


sharp is library for "High performance Node.js image processing". There is already an official Remix example using it, though it could be improved.


Unpic seems like a nice option if you're already using an image CDN (which you probably should be unless you really want to be building your own).


vite-plugin-image-optimizer allows optimizing all images at build time, which for public assets may be what you want


Dang, vite-imagetools seems cool too 🤔

More stuff to look into

I can't cover it all, and there's tons of great tools! Here's a link of more stuff if this wasn't enough for you