
A ray-tracer written in Rust

Primary LanguageRust


A ray-tracer written in Rust! This is a project to learn the language and hopefully demonstrate the Rust language in its current state.

I'm loosely following http://thingsiamdoing.com/intro-to-ray-tracing.

The project is hosted on github, built on travis-ci, and listed on rust-ci. Documentation is available at http://rust-ci.org/brookst/rust-trace/doc/rust-trace/.


Build Instructions

Rust-Trace uses Cargo to build, run and test. Cargo is installed with the latest Rust nightly, which can be performed as follows:

$ curl https://static.rust-lang.org/rustup.sh | sudo bash

Of course, you may want to download and look at rustup.sh before executing someone else's code as root. See http://doc.rust-lang.org/guide.html#installing-rust

Tests can be run with:

$ cargo test

The main program can be run with:

$ cargo run

This outputs a rendering to ray_trace.png.

Commit Hooks

In the scripts/ directory is a pre-commit hook to run the tests. Also, link_scripts.sh symlinks scripts into the .git/hooks directory for use by git. Run as:

$ ./scripts/link_scripts.sh