
Overlay acceleration data onto video of an activity

Primary LanguagePython


Overlay acceleration data onto video of an activity. Made in response to a post by u/Warp_11.


Video and data files can be passed in on the command line. The location of data within the spreadsheet is currently hardcoded in data.py. The output bitrate is 30000 kbps by default - hopefully this can be read from the input video in the future.

usage: skig.py [-h] [-i INPUT_VIDEO] [-d INPUT_DATA] [-o OUTPUT] [-s OFFSET]
               [-p START END] [-b BITRATE] [-f REF]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT_VIDEO, --input_video INPUT_VIDEO
  -d INPUT_DATA, --input_data INPUT_DATA
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
  -s OFFSET, --offset OFFSET
                        Offset in seconds from data to video
  -p START END, --preview START END
                        Render preview from START to END
  -b BITRATE, --bitrate BITRATE
                        Output bitrate in kbps
  -f REF, --fill REF    Fill plot to REF


Ski-G is written in Python3 and requires MoviePy and OpenPyXL along with NumPy. These are listed in reqirements.txt so setup should be easy with Pip:

pip install -r reqirements.txt