
This repository includes multiple Visual Studio solutions to experiment the normalized connectivity concept in WCF. The idea is to expose same business logic through different connectivity protocols (http, tcp, msmq, sb and etc ...) with minimum to none pluming code. The emphasis is on Microsoft Azure Service Bus messaging technologies.

  1. WcfQueuedService is a basic WCF service that is exposing htt, tcp and msmq endpoints

  2. ServiceBusQueues solution is an implementation of Microsoft tutorial

Reference https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/hh367512.aspx

  1. WcfServiceWithServiceBusQueues is implementing a simple WCF service with netMessaging binding which points to a Azure Service Bus queue, using IDesign Inc. ServiceModelEx


  1. Open ServiceBusConfigurationItems.cs file and add you namespace name and shared secret

    For example: if you Service Bus address is "sb://Robert-messaging.servicebus.windows.net", set Namespace ="Robert-messaging"

  2. Queue name conventions:

1. In Development environment generated queue name is "ServiceContractName-HostMachineName" 
2. In Non-development envirnoments generated queue name is "ServiceContractName"


1. ServiceModelEx by IDesign Inc.
2. https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsazure/Brokered-Messaging-WCF-db4262c2