
ToastyStoemp chat Android app

Primary LanguageJava


Android App for ToastyStoemp chat



- Install Node.js ( https://nodejs.org/ )

- Install Cordova CLI ( npm install -g cordova )

- Install JDK 7 or greater ( http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html )

- Install Android Studio ( https://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html )

Clone Git & Run: cordova build android


Easiest way to assist in building the UI is to clone the git, install xammp, change htdocs path to: (git dir)/www/

Then load in Chrome. Edit, refresh, repeat.

To Do:

Add splash screen, fade out & fade in, div already in place; id "loadOverlay"
Add vibration plugin to cordova, if @me then vibrate if process in background
Store / load settings from local storage
Load image links over chat output
Open url outside of chat app


Login / join main channel- with animation
Display chat events with formatting
Touch scrolling through chat
Touch chat line menu: Reply, ignore, invite, join channel, view image (*PH), open url (*PH)- with animation
Main menu (opens with phone menu button): change current channel & theme, clear messages- with animation
Multi channel support

*PH = Placeholder, function fires but no action taken