
Creates a safelist in your Tailwind config for all the Tailwind classes used in the Wordpress/Gutenberg editor.

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Gutenberg Tailwind Safelist

Creates a safelist in your Tailwind config for all the Tailwind classes used in the Wordpress/Gutenberg editor. For use with Sage 10.



Add this to the repositories section of your composer.json file:

  "type": "vcs",
  "url": "https://github.com/broskees/gutenberg-tailwind-safelist.git"

Install via Composer:

$ composer require broskees/gutenberg-tailwind-safelist


Getting Started

Start by publishing the config/tailwind.php configuration file using Acorn.

$ wp acorn vendor:publish --provider="Broskees\GutenbergTwSafelist\GutenbergTwSafelistServiceProvider"

Next, create the database table:

$ wp acorn updatetwdb

Finally add this code to your tailwind.config.cjs file:

On top:

  fs = require('fs'),
  path = require('path'),
  Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer,
  classesString = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, 'gutenberg-classes.txt'), 'utf8') ?? '',
  classesBuffer = Buffer.from(classesString, 'base64') ?? false,
  classes = classesBuffer ? classesBuffer.toString().split(' ') : []

After content:

  safelist: classes,

That's It!

Your gutenberg tailwind classes will automatically be added to the tailwind.config.cjs file and yarn build:prod will be executed everytime a post is executed (if new classes are found).


  • Create packagist package
  • Classes should be filtered for only tailwind classes with Regex, so only tailwind classes are added to the safelist (Help Wanted)
  • Different filtering will eventually be put in place for different versions of Tailwind (Help Wanted)

Bug Reports

If you discover a bug in Gutenberg Tailwind Safelist, please open an issue.


Contributing whether it be through PRs, reporting an issue, or suggesting an idea is encouraged and appreciated.


Gutenberg Tailwind Safelist is provided under the MIT License.