Intermediary API between CityGram and Orlando data sources
CityGram - GitHub - Code for America
Orlando Intermediary - Github - Code for Orlando
API is currently hosted on Azure at
You can run the code locally using python3 [service]
In order to add a new service, you'll need to make a new class that extends service and implements makeTitle and makeGeoJSON. Then create a new entry in optionDict where the key string is the name of the service endpoint you want.
After the intermediary endpoint works and formats the message data correctly, we'll need to make a Ruby file to create our new Publisher. This will be used by the Citygram application itself. Use an existing .rb file in orlando-dev/services as a template. The pub.icon must be an icon found in the CityGram repository at app/assets/img/publishers/icons. If the one you want isn't there, design a new one and make a pull request. Once the .rb is ready, paste the code as an issue in CityGram for one of the admins to add it to the production database.
The GitHub repository is set to automatically deploy changes to the Azure web application. Any commits pushed to the master branch will be automatically synced. We accept pull requests, so go ahead and fork the repo or request access. Message me on CfO Slack (@mdupont) or email me at for more information.
Data source -
We filter police reports based on the reason. Many items aren't worth sending to people as a public notification. This includes reasons like patrol areas, shoplifting, and minor accidents. We also don't want to include reasons that have privacy implications or sensitive information like rape, domestic incidents, and downed officers.