- 7
Please add some documentation in the code file
#17 opened by rswgnu - 5
- 1
Stop using `with-slots`
#27 opened by dgutov - 5
helm-xref-show-xrefs: Wrong type argument
#26 opened by vikram-mandyam - 0
- 12
update package for emacs27 xref changes
#18 opened by zhongweiy - 2
Foreground color cyan is an odd choice
#15 opened by hubgitname - 6
Feature request: highlight matching line
#9 opened by alastairdb - 5
Feature request: helm-xref-edit
#12 opened by dscole - 2
Lazily create markers in helm-xref-candidates and change helm-xref-source accordingly
#6 opened by MaskRay - 4
- 2
helm list is empty
#2 opened by velkyel - 1
MELPA package
#1 opened by TatriX