
Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


ksim is an 8080 simulator that attempts to be very accurate. While ksim may be minimally useful in its current form, it is primarily intended as a reference implementation. There is currently no documentation, and the code is not well-commented. Maximum performance was not a goal, so very little optimization has been done. Interrupts are not implemented, though they would be easy to add. There is crude console I/O, and extremely crude disk I/O. It works just barely well enough that I've successfully run CP/M.

As part of a Retrochallenge 2012 Winter Warmup project, I ran an 8080 exerciser and other instruction test programs on a Sol 20 to better understand the behavior of the 8080's flags (which are NOT exactly the same as those of the Z-80), and updated ksim to accurately simulate the flags. There are a lot of Z-80 simulators out there, but fewer 8080 simulators, and fewer yet that get the flags right.

ksim is released under the FSF GPLv3 license.