
This is a minimal example of using Docker to package a Rust application that uses the Actix-Web library.




We're going to begin by cloning this repository. Then we'll build the Docker container on our local machine. After that, we'll call docker run to start the container. Finally, we can use curl (or a web browser) to confirm the app is running.

Clone This Repo

git clone 

Build the Container

Build the container and tag it as actix-hello

cd actix-web-hello
docker build -t actix-hello .

Run the container

Note that we are mapping port 8080 on localhost to 8080 on the running container

docker run -p 8080:8080 actix-hello

Confirm the Container is Running

Finally, we confirm the container is running. Note, we can replace paul with any string, and it will be echoed back by the application. Also note you can check this in the browser if you prefer.
