
A Curated List of RemNote CSS Snippets for Better Note-taking and Spaced Repetition

Primary LanguageCSS

How to Use it?

  1. Please check the Custom CSS Tutorial first

  2. Copy the CSSs started with @import down below

  3. Go back to your Knowledge Base. And then, paste the clipboard into a Custom CSS power-up page Code Block in which the language button is tuned to CSS.

PS: All the latest snippets are optimized for Modern Dark Theme


Modern Dark Theme (🚧 Constant changes in the RemNote structure make it hard to maintain this theme. Please use the default theme. When all the structures are stable, it will be completely rebuilt with different codes to support additional release. 😉)
@import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Modern%20Dark%20Theme.css");

Hidden Features

Turning Highlight Color into Text Color
You can change a Highlight color to a text color by simple bolding

Displaying Long Page Breadcrumbs with scroll bar


Editor Mode

No Bullet Editor Mode
@import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Notion%20like%20No%20Bullet%20Editor%20Mode.css"); 
What is the purpose of this snip?
  • For those who are thinking that Bullet-based Outliner Editor is way too cluttered with crowded bullet points.
  • Combined UX : Notion like Block based Editor + Outliner
If you need bullet points, Make them by tagging `bulletlist`
And if you want just one tag for bulleted children, you can use `bulletlists`
Use case


Modern Scrollable Codeblock
@import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Modern%20Scrollable%20Code%20Block.css");

Rem Thumbnail
@import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Rem%20Thumbnail.css");

Use case

  • I'd recommend you to use Rem Thumbnail with a rem-reference, which image is saved somewhere else in the workspace neatly like this.

Rem Card Icon
@import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Rem%20Card%20Icon.css");

Tricks - Tag-related Gimmick Series

NOTICE : Good Companion Apps for Easy-Tagging
OS Text Expansion Tools
Windows AutoHotkey, espanso
macOS Keyboard Maestro, espanso
Linux AutoKey, espanso

Callout Rem
@import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Notion%20like%20Callout%20Rem.css");

Modern Divider
@import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Modern%20Divider.css"); 

Active Recall
  • Tag Name : active recall (❌ active-recall)
Ver.1 - Reveal all the Answer-blocks in a List card Answer at the same time
@import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Active%20Recall.css");
Ver.2 - Active Recall in all situation. even in a Flashcard Review modal page and a 'Edit your flashcard' popup
@import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Active%20Recall2.css");
Ver.3 - Legacy Mode (Show List-card Answer-blocks one by one)
@import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Active%20Recall3.css");

origin author : hannesfrank

Rem Planner
@import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Planner.css");

Rem Tree
@import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Rem%20Tree.css");
  • Tag Name : Tree , Treec

@import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Blockquote.css");
  • Tag Name : blockquote

Modern Table Row ⭐️
@import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Modern%20Table%20Row.css");


How to make Modern Table Row

  • You have to select one of the widths listed below first to make a Modern Table Low

  • From 90px to 1200px, 30px interval

  • Available Left Column Width List

Table Left Column Width Available Tag Name
90px Table90
120px Table120
150px Table150
180px Table180
210px Table210
... ...
1170px Table1170
1200px Table1200

Table Tuning by Tagging to the Title Bar

Tuning Global Column Width
Table Left Column Width Tag Name for global width tuning
90px W90
120px W120
150px W150
180px W180
210px W210
... ...
1170px W1170
1200px W1200
Tuning Individual Column Width
  • 'c1' means column 1
  • 'c2' means column 2
  • ...
Available Column Width Tag Name for width tuning - INDIVIDUAL column
200px c1w200, c2w200, c3w200, c4w200, c5w200, ... , c9w200
400px c1w400, c2w400, ... c9w400
600px c1w600, c2w600, ... c9w600
800px c1w800, c2w800, ... c9w800
1000px c1w1000 c2w1000,, ... c9w1000
Table width shrinking to fit with inner contents
  • Tag Name : fit
Table Column Header Formatting
  • Tag Name : th

Use case

Copy a Table from any sources
Paste it to RemNote and Tag the predefined-width Table Row Tags to the Table Title area

Hacky methods

Turn a Row table cell into a Column Table cell
  • Tag Nmae : lb(deprecated)

You can now make seperated table-row column by simple indenting under a top level rem in a table cell

Convert Spreadsheet Table into RemNote Format Workaround

Modern Table Column
  • Tag Name : Table
@import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Modern%20Table%20Column.css");

Please use this only in a simple case. If you want to make more sophisticated table, I would recommend you to use 'Modern Table Row' in most use cases instead, since it can cover more requirement you'd have

Modern Kanban
Modern Kanban1 - Inbox → In Progress → Done → Archive
@import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Modern%20Kanban.css");
Modern Kanban2 - Fully Customizable
@import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Modern%20Kanban2.css");

origin author : hannesfrank

Strikethrough Workaround
@import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Strikethrough.css");

@import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Image%2C%20Codeblock%20Caption%20like%20in%20Notion.css");

Rating bar
@import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Rating%20Bar.css"); 

Cover Photo
/* Please Copy the .css file (Template) and paste to your KB Directly */
Make a Cover Photo CSS Template
Add a image url, Name the tag properly
Tag to the Rem Document title area
Adjust 'background-size' on your tastes.
properties details
background-size: contain; (Preferred) Height fixed and Responsive. but some margins can be made (need subsidiary steps like adding background color or making background repetitive pattern).
background-size: cover; I don’t care about the cover image cropped. (suitable for cover images which have repetitive patterns)
background-size: 100% 100%; The cover image can be ugly according to a front window size. (not recommended, only for mono-colored cover)

@import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Terminal.css");

UI UX Declutter Series

Hide a Specific Tag

Sometimes, you can be bothered by meaningless tags like "th", "lb", ..., which are used for formatting reasons. Then you can apply this code with a highlight color. In my case I chose the purple one and the code below is also running with purple colored rems.

.hierarchy-editor__tag-bar__tag.highlight-color--purple span {
  display: none;

Hide Inline Source Permanently in RemNote Hierarchical Editor
[data-rem-tags~="source-list"] > div > .inline-flex {
  display: none;

Hide Aliases until cursor hovered or focused (fixing)
.tree-node-container > .tree-node--children > .tree-node-container[data-rem-container-tags~=aliases]:not(:hover):not(:focus-within) {
  display: block;
  background-color: #ECECEC;
  border-radius: 2px;
  max-height: 6px;
  overflow: hidden;
.dark-mode .tree-node-container > .tree-node--children > .tree-node-container[data-rem-container-tags~=aliases]:not(:hover):not(:focus-within) {
    background-color: #272C30;

Rem Backlink Declutter

Sometimes, some rems don't need to represent all the backlinks. And If a rem shows a bunch of the backlinks, it slows down the paging

  • Example of the some rems: caption, bulletlist, table, table90, table120, w360 ...
[data-rem-container-tags~="remover"] .animate-zoom-into-bullet #show-embedded-search-button,
[data-rem-container-tags~="remover"] .animate-zoom-into-bullet #AutomaticSearchPortals,
[data-rem-container-tags~="remover"] .rem-container--embedded-search-stub {
  display: none !important;

Hide Placeholder aka "Type / for Commands"
  • Before

  • After

.rich-text-editor > .pointer-events-none {
  opacity: .2;

Disable inadvertent Bullet Click Event
.rem-bullet__container {
  pointer-events: none;

Hide List Card Placeholder (fixing)
[data-rem-tags="card-item"] .text-gray-20 {
  display: none;

Hide "Add a Document To This Folder"
.add-new-document-button {
  display: none;

Disable URL Link Popup when hovering website reference
.popup-menu > .p-1 {
  display: none;

Remove Document Top Blank line
.rn-add-rem-button--top {
  height: 10px;
  display: block;

Extra Card Details Zoom
.extra-card-detail .extra-card-detail__item .RichTextViewer .align-text-top {
  zoom: 125%; /* Tune here */

The SUM of all the Theme and Snippets

/* Modern Dark Theme */
  @import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Modern%20Dark%20Theme.css");
/* Editor Mode */
  /* No Bullet Editor Mode */
    @import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Notion%20like%20No%20Bullet%20Editor%20Mode.css"); 
/* Tricks */
  /* Modern Scrollable Codeblock */
    @import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Modern%20Scrollable%20Code%20Block.css");
  /* Rem Thumbnail */
    @import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Rem%20Thumbnail.css");
  /* Callout Rem */
    @import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Notion%20like%20Callout%20Rem.css");
  /* Modern Divider */
    @import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Modern%20Divider.css"); 
  /* Active Recall */
    @import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Active%20Recall.css");
   /* @import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Active%20Recall2.css"); */
   /* @import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Active%20Recall3.css"); */
  /* Rem Planner */
    @import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Planner.css");
  /* Rem Tree */
    @import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Rem%20Tree.css");
  /* Rem Card Icon */
    /* @import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Rem%20Card%20Icon.css"); */
    /* If you are using 'No Bullet Editor Mode', you are already using this! */
  /* Blockquote */
    @import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Blockquote.css");
  /* Modern Table Row */
    @import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Modern%20Table%20Row.css");
  /* Modern Table Column */
    @import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Modern%20Table%20Column.css");
  /* Modern Kanban */
    @import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Modern%20Kanban.css");
    @import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Modern%20Kanban2.css");
  /* Strikethrough Workaround */
    @import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Strikethrough.css");
  /* Caption */
    @import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Image%2C%20Codeblock%20Caption%20like%20in%20Notion.css");
  /* Rating Bar */
    @import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Prepositive%20Rating%20Bar.css"); 
  /* Terminal */
    @import url("https://browneyedsoul.github.io/RemNote-CSS-Library/Terminal.css");