
A boilerplate for new Serverless Nodejs projects with tests and basic configurations


Simple hello function take name and return with hello

const hello = require('./lib/hello');
const response = require('./lib/response');

const helloFn = async (event) => {
    let body = event.body ? JSON.parse(event.body) : event; //api gateway (event.body) vs invoke (event)
    let result = hello(body);
    return response(result);

module.exports.hello = helloFn


  • Ready to use default configuration for serverless framework
  • Environment variables ready with develop, staging and production
  • Works with both invoke and api
  • Serverless offline to test the api gateway localy


  • Install & Configure serverless framework, Guide here

  • Clone this repo and run npm install then npm run config

Test locally

  • npm run local will run the function directly without serverless framework for fast test on your local machine
  • npm run invoke will invoke the function locally and pass the data in test-data.json to your function as body
  • npm run api will run api gateway locally in your machine on port 3000 so you can test the function as it on AWS api gateway


  • npm run deploy will deploy on production and load your .env.production environment variables
  • npm run deploy-develop will deploy on develop and load your .env.production environment variables
  • npm run deploy-staging will deploy on staging and load your .env.production environment variables


Feel free to fork, commit and submit pull request if you find a bug, or you want to add support to a new environment. Contributions are very welcome.
