- 5
- 4
Package includes test folder
#322 opened by johnlister - 8
Critical Vulnerability with monorepo-symlink-test
#318 opened by bbuck - 5
Any reason to publish /test?
#323 opened by vvscode - 39
The test/resolver/malformed_package_json/package.json leads to an fatal error when starting meteor
#271 opened by gitJoe42 - 17
`npx resolve` errors
#315 opened by vvscode - 1
monorepo-symlink-test security issue
#319 opened by avosper-intellaegis - 1
- 0
Incorrect work on Linux (`Error: `resolve` must be run directly as an executable`)
#316 opened by vvscode - 19
- 5
#312 opened by roberthockley - 1
Used monorepo-symlink-test is malicious
#314 opened by ThomazPom - 2
Critical vulnerability monorepo-symlink-test
#311 opened by Iuriy-Budnikov - 2
- 20
Error "ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '../../is-core-module/core.json"
#297 opened by SuperOleg39 - 1
- 1
The 'test' directory seems to contain the code of malicious package 'monorepo-symlink-test'
#305 opened by lanzkron - 1
Resolve monorepo-symlink-test vulnerable package
#304 opened by frabbiDAndT - 9
- 1
Remove readFileSync
#302 opened by polRk - 0
- 1
- 9
Result differs from Node's require.resolve when using `basedir` option with symlinks
#295 opened by j-christoffersen - 3
Unexpected end of input, expected the token `}`
#294 opened by AndyFang36 - 1
- 2
Unable to resolve a package by its own name
#289 opened by fasttime - 3
Question around dummy packages in monorepo test
#292 opened by plygrnd - 1
- 4
Reference to malicious package monorepo-symlink-test causing security scan to fail
#288 opened by reify-thomas-smith - 9
resolve result is inconsistent with require.resolve if windows virtual drive is used
#283 opened by pos777 - 3
v1.22.1 patch request
#285 opened by pos777 - 15
- 2
- 3
- 11
- 15
custom path module
#267 opened by mafintosh - 5
SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input
#274 opened by sgurin - 9
intentionally malformed package.json fixture in tests breaks flowtype when checking node_modules
#262 opened by paritosh-yadav - 1
Fix non-valid values in .editorconfig file
#272 opened by funnydino - 23
- 4
- 1
Error with incorrectly closed json
#265 opened by augustofnl - 1
Prioritize moduleDirectory array elements
#251 opened by ATheCoder - 5
not support absolute path?
#261 opened by soakit - 1
Dependency package "path-parse - 1.0.6" is reported as vulnerable by Whitesource scan
#258 opened by RajakumarSidhan - 4
Use throwIfNoEntry for default isFile and isDirectory
#255 opened by markjm - 1
Support browser filed
#254 opened by anschm - 1
Version update
#252 opened by Avetik666 - 4
Multi level "exports" not supported?
#250 opened by achingbrain - 1
how to get a version in node .js of a package?
#249 opened by cekvenich2