
Selenium examples for Serenity and BrowserStack Automate

Primary LanguageJava


Serenity Integration with BrowserStack SDK.

BrowserStack Logo

Run Sample build


  • Clone the repo
  • Replace YOUR_USERNAME and YOUR_ACCESS_KEY with your BrowserStack access credentials in browserstack.yml.
  • Install dependencies mvn install
  • You can setup environment variables for all sample repos (see Notes) or update serenity.conf file with your BrowserStack Username and Access Key

Running your tests

  • To run a sample test, run mvn verify -P sample-test
  • To run local tests, run mvn verify -P sample-local-test

Understand how many parallel sessions you need by using our Parallel Test Calculator

Integrate your test suite

This repository uses the BrowserStack SDK to run tests on BrowserStack. Follow the steps below to install the SDK in your test suite and run tests on BrowserStack:

  • Create sample browserstack.yml file with the browserstack related capabilities with your BrowserStack Username and Access Key and place it in your root folder.
  • Add maven dependency of browserstack-java-sdk in your pom.xml file
  • Modify your build plugin to run tests by adding argLine -javaagent:${com.browserstack:browserstack-java-sdk:jar} and maven-dependency-plugin for resolving dependencies in the profiles sample-test and sample-local-test.
  • Install dependencies mvn compile


  • You can view your test results on the BrowserStack Automate dashboard

  • You can export the environment variables for the Username and Access Key of your BrowserStack account

    export BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME=<browserstack-username> &&
    export BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY=<browserstack-access-key>