
Load generation tool for evaluation of DASH and HLS video streaming setups

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



This repository is a work in progress and it will be moved to https://github.com/unifiedstreaming for future releases.


Load generation tool for evaluation of DASH and HLS video streaming setups

Local testing for MacOS


brew install python3

Install the pip3 requirements as follows:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

In the command-line move to directory path load_generator/, add the env variables, and run locust command as follows.

cd load_generator

Replace the ${ORIGIN_IP} variable with the IP of the Origin host that will be stressed.

export HOST=${ORIGIN_IP}

Run a load test example with web UI enabled

In this example will run locally the Origin sever in port 80 Locust web UI in port 8089.

Set host of Orign server to stress test.

export HOST=localhost

Run MPEG-DASH example script(dash_sequence.py):

HOST_URL=http://${HOST} \
MANIFEST_FILE=tears-of-steel-avc1.ism \
mode=vod locust  -f locustfiles/dash_sequence.py

Run HLS example script(hls_player.py):

HOST_URL=http://${HOST} \
MANIFEST_FILE=tears-of-steel-avc1.ism \
mod=vod locust  -f locustfiles/hls_player.py

After runnin one of the previous commands, access Lucust web UI in http://localhost:8089, type the number of total users to spawn and the hatch rate. Then run the test by clicking Start swarming button.

Run a load test example without web UI locally

Set host of Orign server to stress test.

export HOST=localhost
  1. Create a MPEG-DASG stress test by providing the .ism file in dash_sequence.py.
HOST_URL=http://${HOST}  \ 
  MANIFEST_FILE=tears-of-steel-avc1.ism \
  mode=vod locust \
  -f locustfiles/dash_sequence.py \
  --no-web -c 1 -r 1 --run-time 10s --only-summary

Create a stress test(vod_dash_hls_sequence.py) to a VOD endpoint by providing an .mpd MPEG-DASH manifest or an HLS.m3u8 master playlist.

  1. MPEG-DASH test example that requests all available segments with the lowest bit-rate.
HOST_URL=http://${HOST} \
  MANIFEST_FILE=tears-of-steel-avc1.ism/.mpd \
  mode=vod \
  play_mode=full_playback \
  bitrate=lowest_bitrate \
  locust -f locustfiles/vod_dash_hls_sequence.py \
  --no-web -c 1 -r 1 --run-time 10s --only-summary
  1. MPEG-DASH test example that requests all available segments with the highest bit-rate.
HOST_URL=http://${HOST} \
  MANIFEST_FILE=tears-of-steel-avc1.ism/.mpd \
  mode=vod \
  play_mode=random_segments \
  bitrate=highest_bitrate \
  locust -f locustfiles/vod_dash_hls_sequence.py \
  --no-web -c 1 -r 1 --run-time 10s --only-summary
  1. HLS test example that requests all available segments with highest bit-rate.
HOST_URL=http://${HOST} \
  MANIFEST_FILE=tears-of-steel-avc1.ism/.m3u8 \
  mode=vod \
  play_mode=full_playback \
  bitrate=highest_bitrate \
  locust -f locustfiles/vod_dash_hls_sequence.py \
  --no-web -c 1 -r 1 --run-time 10s --only-summary
  1. MEPG-DASH test example that requests all live segments of a Live publishing point with the highest bit-rates available.

In this example, our publishing point to stress is located in test/test.isml/.mpd with IP and port 8818. Therefore, we replace the HOST IP from the environment variables and the MANIFEST_FILE variable from the command-line.

export HOST=
HOST_URL=http://${HOST} \
  MANIFEST_FILE=test/test.isml/.mpd \
  mode=live \
  play_mode=full_playback \
  bitrate=highest_bitrate \
  locust -f locustfiles/vod_dash_hls_sequence.py \
  --no-web -c 1 -r 1 --run-time 10s --only-summary

Using a Locust-streaming Docker image from Docker-hub

In order to run the following examples you will need to have Docker installed in your computer and pull the following image from Docker Hub.

docker pull broyson/locust-streaming:latest

Replace the environment variables ORIGIN_IP and MANIFEST_FILE with the Manifest url points that you would like to stress test.

Example using Docker image with external MPEG-DASH manifest

External MPEG-DASH manifest
docker run \
    -e "HOST_URL=https://demo.unified-streaming.com" \
    -e "MANIFEST_FILE=/video/ateam/ateam.ism/ateam.mpd" \
    -e "mode=vod" \
    -e "play_mode=full_playback" \
    -e "bitrate=lowest_bitrate" \
    broyson/locust-streaming:latest \
    -f /load_generator/locustfiles/vod_dash_hls_sequence.py \
    --no-web -c 1 -r 1 --run-time 10s --only-summary

Example using Docker image with MPEG-DASH Manifest

docker run \
    -e "HOST_URL=http://${ORIGIN_IP}" \
    -e "MANIFEST_FILE=tears-of-steel-avc1.ism/.mpd" \
    -e "mode=vod" \
    -e "play_mode=full_playback" \
    -e "bitrate=lowest_bitrate" \
    broyson/locust-streaming:latest \
    -f /load_generator/locustfiles/vod_dash_hls_sequence.py \
    --no-web -c 1 -r 1 --run-time 10s --only-summary

Example using Docker image with local HLS manifest

docker run \
    -e "HOST_URL=http://${ORIGIN_IP}" \
    -e "MANIFEST_FILE=tears-of-steel-avc1.ism/.m3u8" \
    -e "mode=vod" \
    -e "play_mode=full_playback" \
    -e "bitrate=lowest_bitrate" \
    -v ${PWD}/:/test/ \
    broyson/locust-streaming:latest  \
    -f /test/load_generator/locustfiles/vod_dash_hls_sequence.py \
    --no-web -c 1 -r 1 --run-time 10s --only-summary

Locust set in distributed mode

Run Locust client emulator in distributed mode for Ubuntu 18.04

To emulate clients in distributed mode you will need to have at least one master and one slave node in your cloud infrastructure. In each of these nodes you will need to pull this repository and install the dependencies software from requirements.txt.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-pip

Install the pip3 requirements as follows:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Master/slave ENV configuration variables example:

export ORIGIN=ip-172-31-3-3.eu-central-1.compute.internal

export MASTER_CLIENT=ip-172-31-11-128.eu-central-1.compute.internal


DASH emulator using step load with Locust UI

Master node

HOST_URL=http://${ORIGIN} \
  MANIFEST_FILE=tears-of-steel/tears-of-steel-en.ism \ 
  locust  -f dash_sequence.py \ 
  --master --expect-slaves=${EXPECTED_SLAVES} \
  --step-load --csv=example

Slave node

HOST_URL=http://${ORIGIN} \ 
  MANIFEST_FILE=tears-of-steel/tears-of-steel-en.ism locust \
  -f dash_sequence.py 
  --slave --master-host=${MASTER_CLIENT} 

Access to your master node in port 8089 to visualise Locust UI and to run a test.

Example test from Locust UI

200 users
20 hatch rate
10 users step
2s seconds new step

Run HLS example without UI

Master node

HOST_URL=http://${ORIGIN} \ 
  MANIFEST_FILE=tears-of-steel/tears-of-steel-en.ism \ 
  locust  -f hls.py \ 
  --master --expect-slaves=${EXPECTED_SLAVES}  \
  --no-web -c 100 -r 10 --run-time 2m \ 
  --step-load --step-clients 10 \
  --step-time 10s --csv=example

Slave node

HOST_URL=http://${ORIGIN} \ 
  MANIFEST_FILE=tears-of-steel/tears-of-steel-en.ism \ 
  locust  -f hls.py \ 
  --slave --master-host=${MASTER_CLIENT} --step-load