
Text chat using Tokio with various locks and message channels. Modes are client/server broadcast and peer<-->peer. Uses TCP

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Open a terminal window for each path: chat/server and chat/client

Run cargo run in each window (run multiple windows for multiple clients)

Multi-line supported with simple peer to peer chat supported (no routing or overlay)

Supports two modes:

  • Traditional, clients/server broadcast: broadcast lobby mode, with each client getting a copy of each message
  • Private peer sessions: only the two peers A & B in the peer session see the messages

$ Commands: \quit, \users, \fork chatname, \switch n, \sessions
Note: fork and users command require that you are in the lobby session e.g. \lobby
$ Please input chat name:

\switch shortcut is \sw
\sessions shortcut is \ss
\fork creates a private, non broadcast session (durable if main server drops)

lobby is available on startup but after a peer session, do \sw 0 or \lob or \lobby





Chat session - Begin

  • Start with one main (also rendezvous) server and three clients A, B, C -- corresponding to anna, bobby, carmen

  • Main server is queried for peer client addr info upon a call to \fork

Chat session - End

  • When main server drops out, peer sessions are untouched (just can't go back to lobby)

  • \ss or \sessions cmd shows which sessions are active, * means active session

Chat session - Multiple forks

  • anna can privately chat with either bobby or carmen, bobby can with either anna or carmen, carmen can with either anna or bobby



  • P-> means peer session in A mode (e.g. current user initiated it, e.g. sent the \fork)

  • P~> means peer session in B mode (e.g. current user received a peer session request from its local peer server)

  • When \fork-ing, can't fork again to same peer name with an already active session! Can't also self fork!

  • For demo purposes only supports max 4 peer servers on the same node (in production, each peer server would be its own node)

  • Handles duplicate names somewhat, as names are used as the unique id

  • And uses Tokio! tasks, mpsc, watch channels, Mutexes, RwLocks, atomics, composite structs...

