A composite Github Action to upload HTML Test reports to a Google cloud storage bucket.
- A Google Cloud storage (GCS) bucket configured to host websites. See Host a static website | Cloud Storage | Google Cloud
- A service account configured to access the specified bucket. See How to grant access to only specific Google Cloud storage buckets using IAM conditions.
Add the following action to your workflow, after your test reports html was generated:
- name: Upload test report
uses: brpaz/actions-gcs-test-report-upload@main
gcp_project_id: ${{ secrets.GCP_PROJECT_ID }}
gcp_credentials: ${{ secrets.GCP_CREDENTIALS }}
report_folder: "<path_to_your_report>"
pull_request_check: "true"
generate_summary: "true"
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
You will need to configure two secrets on your repostiory:
GCP_PROJECT_ID - This is your project id in GCP, where your bucket lives GCP_CREDENTIALS - A service account credentials key file, for your user, with access to the bucket.
This action will generate a summary as well a Pull request check, with the URL to access report.
Note the path inside the bucket will be:
If you have multiple reports generated in the same workflow, make sure to give an appropriate name to the folder, before calling this action.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file for details.
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