
A composite Github Action to upload HTML Test reports to a Google cloud storage bucket.

MIT LicenseMIT

GCS Test report upload

A composite Github Action to upload HTML Test reports to a Google cloud storage bucket.

ℹ️ Pre-requisites

🚀 Getting started

Add the following action to your workflow, after your test reports html was generated:

- name: Upload test report
  uses: brpaz/actions-gcs-test-report-upload@main
    gcp_project_id: ${{ secrets.GCP_PROJECT_ID }}
    gcp_credentials: ${{ secrets.GCP_CREDENTIALS }}
    report_folder: "<path_to_your_report>"
    pull_request_check: "true"
    generate_summary: "true"
    github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

You will need to configure two secrets on your repostiory:

GCP_PROJECT_ID - This is your project id in GCP, where your bucket lives GCP_CREDENTIALS - A service account credentials key file, for your user, with access to the bucket.

What is the URL of the report

This action will generate a summary as well a Pull request check, with the URL to access report.

Note the path inside the bucket will be:



If you have multiple reports generated in the same workflow, make sure to give an appropriate name to the folder, before calling this action.

📃 License

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file for details.

📩 Contact