
interactive map of book exchange places from different sources

Primary LanguageHTML


Interactive map of book exchange places from different sources.
Created by Berry Boessenkool - contact me to request an update of the map.

Note that some book cases may not exist anymore and not all are included in the sources. Please submit new entries to the service of your choice. The map is updated manually, feel free to nudge me.

Permissions to include locations in the map have been obtained from all database maintainers. Openbookcase.org uses and hence passes down the ODbl license.


There are other maps that cannot be scraped:

Adresses to coordinates:
https://de.batchgeo.com, https://www.active-value.de/geocoder

Further related things:
http://www.bookcrossers.eu/pages/obczliste.php broken, but wayback machine has copies