
Primary LanguageRCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0


The goal of ggcrqr is to provide R routines for estimation of Generalized Gompertz Cure Rate Quantile Regression models.


You can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


This is a basic example which shows you how to estimate the model considering the data available in the package: m_breast_cancer.

#> Loading required package: LaplacesDemon
#> Loading required package: truncnorm
## basic example code
## one should check whether the values for burn and jump are adequate.
model <- bayesGG(time_to_d ~ age_group + stage_c, 
                 ~ 1, 
                 ~ 1,
                 data = m_breast_cancer, 
                 q = 0.5, d = "cens", burn = 30000, jump = 40, 
                 guess = c(-0.1, 0.5, rep(0, 6)))
#> Laplace's Demon was called on Wed Oct 19 18:03:46 2022
#> Performing initial checks...
#> Algorithm: Adaptive Metropolis 
#> Laplace's Demon is beginning to update...
#> Iteration: 20000,   Proposal: Multivariate,   LP: -715.7
#> Iteration: 40000,   Proposal: Multivariate,   LP: -716.2
#> Iteration: 60000,   Proposal: Multivariate,   LP: -718.7
#> Assessing Stationarity
#> Assessing Thinning and ESS
#> Creating Summaries
#> Creating Output
#> Laplace's Demon has finished.