
PowerShell module for Active Directory troubleshooting

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

brshAD - A module to group AD scripts and functions

Let's face it, AD is useful. It's also a bit cumbersome.

This module is intended to group together misc. scripts and functions that I use to do various things in and around AD.

Function List

Command Description
Disable-adLinuxUser Disables the Linux login for a user (or removes the attribs completely)
Find-adGPOSetting Search all GPOs for specific text
Get-adDomainControllers List domain controllers
Get-adDomainReplicationAge Gets the value of the msDS-LogonTimeSyncInterval for the domain
Get-adFSMORoleOwner FSMO role owners
Get-adFunctionalLevels Forest and domain functional levels
Get-adGroupMembership Recursive Local and AD Group Membership
Get-adHelp List commands available in the brshAD Module
Get-adLDAPsBindInfo Parses the Security EventLog for WinFilter events to find LDAPS connections
Get-adLinuxGroup Gets groups and their *nix GID
Get-adLinuxUser Gets users and their *nix UID
Get-adLiveComputer Mixes get-adcomputer with ping to pull a list of "online" computers
Get-adLogonEvents Filter the Domain's Security log for unsuccessful Logons
Get-adLogonFailureCodes Just a handy Logon Event Code Error parser
Get-adQuickPing A simple CIM ping wrapper
Get-adSiteInformation Pulls Site Information like name, IPs...
Get-adSiteLinkInformation Pulls Site Link info incl. Schedule
Get-adSubnetsWithoutSite Parse the Netlogon log for IPs not assigned to a site
Get-adSyncStatus Itemizes AD Repliction Status
Get-adTimePeers Just a wrapper for w32tm /query /peers
Get-adTimeSource Just a wrapper for w32tm /query /source
Get-adTimeStatus Just a wrapper for w32tm /query /status
Get-adUnsignedLDAPBind Parses the DirectoryServices EventLog for IPs using unsigned LDAP binds
Get-adUsersGroups Gets the groups a user is a member of
Invoke-adDCDiag Colorizes the output of DCDiag
Start-adADUC Start ADUC for non-trusted domains
Sync-adTime Wrapper for the w32tm.exe /resync
Test-adTimeMonitor Wrapper for w32tm /monitor
Test-adTimeServer Wrapper for W32tm's TimeServer Test

Domain Name Autocomplete

Some of the functions can use tab autocomplete to "fill-in" multiple domain options. You just need to pre-populate the domains in the /config/ADDomains.txt file. Just fully qualify the domain name and tabs will help you out.

Those same functions will default to the first item in the list.

Otherwise, those functions will default to the current domain.