
Powershell System Info Module

Primary LanguagePowerShell

brshSysInfo - Powershell System Information module

All the system information that's fit to print (although some only work with Admin rights - cuz... reasons). Powershell for Windows and PSCore compatible.

The big bright shiny function from this module is the SystemReport - via get-siSystemReport, but the info is available in bite sized (mostly) psobject'ed morsels in the following functions:

Command Description SystemReport
Get-siBattery Battery info via WMI
Get-siDaylightSavingsTime DST info
Get-siDomainControllers List domain controllers
Get-siFSMORoleOwner FSMO role owners
Get-siFunctionalLevels Forest and domain functional levels
Get-siLastBootTime Local machine last brought online
Get-siLogon Current User, Domain, and LogonServer
Get-siSysInfoHelp List commands available in the brshSysInfo Module
Get-siSystemReport Create a report of System Info (with BGInfo support)
Get-siSystemReportSettings Get the Settings for the System Report
Get-siUptime Timespan that the computer has been running
Set-siSystemReportSettings Change the Settings for the System Report
Get-siOSInfo Pulls Operating System info from all over the place True
Get-siDriveInfo Pulls Drive info from WMI True
Get-siNetworkInfo Pulls Network info from WMI True
Get-siServerRoleInfo Pulls system role information (what's this thing serving) True
Get-siAWSInfo Pulls Data from AWS Local Instance service True
Get-siIISBindingInfo Pulls IIS site and binding information True
Get-siSQLVersionInfo Pulls sql version and patch information True
Get-siWinUpdateInfo Pulls Info about pending Windows Updates on the Local Computer False
Get-siUserSessionInfo Pulls currently logged on user information True
Get-siSystemUserEventInfo Pulls logon and reboot info from the EventLog True

Not everything shows up in the System Report - that's because, for example, on some systems the Windows Update script can run very slow, or, for another example, the info is supplementary, nice sure, but not really needed in the report. You can toggle the on/off of most of the report items with the Set-siSystemReportSettings function.

You can also control the order of the information chunks. Use the Get-siSystemReportSettings to see the existing order.

I still need to adjust formatting for the any new items (Get-siSystemUserEventInfo I think is the only one), so that won't yet show up in the System Report.


If you've looked at my BGInfo repo, you'll notice some similarities ... cuz these were ripped completely from there. As such, this should work out-of-the-box with BGInfo. I haven't spent much time testing that yet, and there's no vbs wrapper written yet. But soon!


  • Save System Report Settings
  • Tested BGInfo config with working VBS
  • More formatting!
  • More information!