End-to-end Move-on-Solana demo

This is a demo of running Move language programs on Solana.

It specifies minimum feature requirements, outlines a minimal workflow for building, deploying and running Move programs, demos comparable existing workflows on Sui and Solana, describes implementation details and a roadmap.


We want to aim to demo the following:

  • Build contracts, with dependencies (source, local bytecode, on-chain bytecode)
  • Test contracts on rbpf
  • Deploy and re-deploy contracts to a localnet
  • Call contracts with arguments and return values from Rust client code
  • Call contracts with arguments and return values from the CLI

Note that for now we are not demoing on-chain storage.

We can do this in two phases, with the first phase MVP being

  • Build contracts, no dependencies
  • Test contracts on rbpf
  • Deploy and re-deploy contracts to a localnet
  • Call contracts with arguments and return values from Rust client code

This MVP forgoes the ability to use dependencies, which will entail locating the corresponding omve bytecode for rbpf programs; and to call programs directly from the CLI, which will require the same, plus introspection and reflection on the interface of the program.

There are two features demonstrated here that are feasible with Move but not with plain Solana:

  • Calling arbitrary programs from the CLI, introspecting the called program to get argument types
  • Calling dependencies without access to any of their source code, again by using the bytecode.

Which toolset should Solana-Move integrate with?

Since our project is a mashup of Solana, Move, and Sui, there are already 4 main CLI tools involved.

  • cargo - The Rust build tool. Solana uses a cargo subcommand, cargo build-bpf, as well as cargo test etc.
  • solana - Used for deploying to Solana, wallets, etc.
  • sui - All interaction with Move and Sui
  • move - Move build tools, not typically used directly with Sui

These tools perhaps each have their own different designs and "feels". I suggest that since we are a Solana project we should attempt to integrate with and match the solana experience. Ultimately we might want any new CLI commands to part of solana CLI, and to integrate Move features with existing solana commands.

For an initial demo I suggest we can do everything necessary with a combination of the solana and move commands.

Beyond that we might work in our own solana-move CLI, inside the external-crates/move/solana subdirectory of Solana's sui fork. We can consider this a prototype tool with the intent of moving the functionality elsewhere once proven. Working on the CLI in Solana's sui fork will avoid having to work in the main Solana codebase for now, and avoid the scrutiny of mainline Solana pull requests.

Running the Solana-Move demo

This is aspirational - not all of this works now but is what we are working toward.

You'll need the move command from Solana's sui repo, built with Solana support. This can be done with

cargo build --manifest-path=external-crates/move/Cargo.toml -p move-cli --features=solana-backend

or optionally installed with

cargo install --manifest-path=external-crates/move/Cargo.toml -p move-cli --features=solana-backend

Install solana CLI tools and run the test validator

First install the Solana tools following


e.g. the stable toolchain

sh -c "$(curl -sSfL https://release.solana.com/v1.18.9/install)"

Run the test validator:


Change the global configuration to localhost


solana config set -u localhost

Otherwise all commands will need a --url localhost argument.

Set up a wallet and get tokens for gas

solana-keygen new
solana airdrop 10

Build the contract

Change to the solana-move directory and build

cd solana-move
move build --arch=solana

This creates the build directory containing:


Note this is mostly the same as the Sui move build, but there is an rbf dylib, demo.so, and it's in an arch-specific solana directory.

Run the tests

move test

Deploy the contract

Create a re-usable program-keypair.json. This contais the address of and signing key to deploy and redeploy.

solana-keygen new -o program-keypair.json
solana program deploy target/sbf-solana-solana/release/demo.so --program-id program-keypair.json

Call the contract from source


Call the contract from the CLI

solana-move call --program <address> --module demo --function main --args 10

solana-move commands discussion

solana-move build

Compare to: sui move build, move build, cargo build-bpf

  • Locate and download bytecode for dependencies
  • Find move-native, optionally embedded directly in binary

solana-move test

Compare to: sui move test, move test, cargo test

solana-move publish

Compare to: sui client publish, solana program publish

solana-move call

Compare to: sui client call

  • Parse arguments as move types
  • Build solana transactions

Calling Move programs from the client


Handling on-chain bytecode dependencies

I am assuming we want to be able to depend on programs that we don't have the source to. This is something Solana programs can't do - programs must at least publish some interface glue to understand the custom calling and serialization conventions of each program.

A scheme:

  • In addition to deploying the rbpf program, we also deploy the bytecode to a separate storage location
  • The bytecode storage location is derivable from the rbpf storage location
  • The move-to-solana / move-cli etc crates know how to derive this location, deploy it / download it as part of the deploy, build, and call processes.
  • TODO: what about transitive bytecode dependencies?

An interim storage model

At the momement, actually storing data is out of scope for the demo, but I think it's worth saying something about how the storage model is intended to work in the short term.

Firstly, we don't expect it to be secure for now, just to work.

The major facets of how storage is expected to work are:

  • Contracts are statically compiled together. That is, programs don't actually call other programs; when I compile a move program that calls another, I download the bytecode for the callee and compile it into the caller.
  • There is a dedicated storage program, written in Rust, that all move programs call to write persistent data, and that program "owns" all move-language data.

This obviously has lots of problems, but seems feasible to accomplish within the constraints we have currently.

Proposed roadmap

There are a few main thrusts of work here:

  • Creating solana-move-sdk crate that can parse move values and prepare solana transactions
  • Creating the solana-move CLI, and especially the solana-move-specific solana-move call command (other commands will be identical to move and solana commands at first.
  • Deploying and retrieving bytecode for byte-code based dependencies and introspectio.n
  • Starting a release process and releasing tools people can try out.
  • Moving the storage model forward.

Demo 1

  • Create a client SDK crate, perhaps solana-move-sdk (vs. solana-sdk)
    • This will depend on both existing Solana and Move crates
  • Add APIs for parsing move values
  • Add APIs for preparing Move transactions
  • Write the demo solana-demo-client using the solana-move-sdk and solana-client SDKs, calling the demo program.

Demo 2

  • Create solana-move crate in external-crates/move/solana/
    • Set up arg parsing with clap for the commands in this demo
  • Include the compiled move-native library directly into the solana-move binary
  • Set up binary releases of solana-move that people can test
  • Make solana-move build and solana-move test behave like move build and move test. The Move libraries are reusable so this shouldn't have much code duplication.
  • Write solana-move deploy - crib off of solana program deploy, or just shell out to solana program deploy.
  • Teach solana-move deploy to deploy both rbpf and the original bytecode
  • Create solana-move call using solana-move-client
    • Download and introspect bytecode to get argument types


  • Storage model
  • Reduce size of compiled output
    • Function sections
    • LTO

Running the Sui example demo

This shows how the Sui workflow works for the features we want to demo with Move on Solana.

Install sui CLI tools and run the test validator

First install the Sui tools following


You'll need both the sui and sui-test-validator.

One option is to install sui from source, and run sui-test-validator from the source directory:

git clone https://github.com/MystenLabs/sui.git
cd sui
git checkout origin/testnet -b testnet
# This will put `sui` in your `.cargo/bin` directory for use later
cargo install --path crates/sui
# Run the validator
RUST_LOG=off,sui_node=info cargo run -p sui-test-validator

Configure sui for the local network per instructions:

sui client new-env --alias local --rpc

FIXME: the above doesn't actually work if sui is not alreday configured - you'll have to walk through the interactive setup, providing the same configuration.

Set up a wallet and get tokens for gas

sui client faucet && sui client gas

Build the program

Change to the sui directory and build

cd sui
sui move build

This creates a build directory with the contents:


Run the tests

sui move test

Deploy the contract

sui client publish --gas-budget 10000000

Call the contract

sui client call --package <package-id> --module demo --function main --args 10 --gas-budget 10000000

The package ID will be output by the previous publish command.

Running the Solana example demo

This shows how the Solana workflow works for the features we want to demo with Move on Solana.

Install solana CLI tools and run the test validator

First install the Solana tools following


e.g. the stable toolchain

sh -c "$(curl -sSfL https://release.solana.com/v1.18.9/install)"

Run the test validator:


Change the global configuration to localhost


solana config set -u localhost

Otherwise all commands will need a --url localhost argument.

Set up a wallet and get tokens for gas

solana-keygen new
solana airdrop 10

Run the demo

Change to the solana directory:

cd solana

Build the program:

cargo build-bpf

This creates a target directory with the contents:


Run the tests

cargo test

Deploy the contract

Create a re-usable program-keypair.json. This contais the address of and signing key to deploy and redeploy.

solana-keygen new -o program-keypair.json
solana program deploy target/sbf-solana-solana/release/demo.so --program-id program-keypair.json

Call the contract

todo - this needs to be done from code