
simple crud actions method by trait for Symfony2

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SimpleCrudBundle is a Symfony2 Bundle. This bundle provides simple actions for CRUD in your controller by trait. You indicate templates and entity/repository by @Crud annotation:

namespace Brtriver\SimpleCrudBundle\Controller;

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use Brtriver\SimpleCrudBundle\Controller\SimpleCrudTraitController;
use Brtriver\SimpleCrudBundle\Annotation\Crud;

 * @Route("/simple_crud", name="simple_crud_demo")
 * @Crud(
 *   entity="Brtriver\SimpleCrudBundle\Entity\Demo",
 *   repository="BrtriverSimpleCrudBundle:Demo",
 *   template_list="BrtriverSimpleCrudBundle:Demo:list.html.twig",
 *   template_new="BrtriverSimpleCrudBundle:Demo:new.html.twig",
 *   template_edit="BrtriverSimpleCrudBundle:Demo:edit.html.twig",
 *   template_show="BrtriverSimpleCrudBundle:Demo:show.html.twig",
 *   form="Brtriver\SimpleCrudBundle\Form\DemoType"
 * )
class DemoController extends Controller
    use SimpleCrudTraitController;

     * @Route("/")
    public function indexAction()
        return new Response('hello world');



These actions of trait are just templates, so you have to write your logic in your own templates and use @Crud annotations. If you want to overwrite CRUD actions, you just write your listAction, showAction, newAction or editAction method.

You can see a demo controller code in Brtriver\SimpleCrudBundle\Controller\DemoController class.


SimpleCrudBundle works with PHP 5.4.0 or later.


install via packagist https://packagist.org/packages/brtriver/simple-crud-bundle

$ php composer.phar require brtriver/simple-crud-bundle:dev-master

Add this bundle to your app/AppKernel.php:

public function registerBundles() {
  $bundles = array(
    new Brtriver\SimpleCrudBundle\BrtriverSimpleCrudBundle(),


To be able to access demo pages, you need to add its routes to your application’s routing file:

    resource: "@BrtriverSimpleCrudBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
    prefix:   /_simple_crud

After clearing the caches, you have only to access your browser:

If you want to watch new/edit page, you have to configure your database setting and demo table, so check the Entity in Entity/Demo.php


use SimpleCrudTraitController

Add use statement in your controller in which you want to add CRUD method.

use SimpleCrudTraitController;

@Crud Annotation

the behaviors of SimpleCrudTrait are defined as @Crud Annotation.

  • entity: target Entity class name (e.g. entity="Brtriver\SimpleCrudBundle\Entity\Demo")
  • repository: target Repository of the Entity (e.g. repository="BrtriverSimpleCrudBundle:Demo")
  • form: type class of the Entity (e.g. form="Brtriver\SimpleCrudBundle\Form\DemoType")
  • template_list: list view template path (e.g. template_list="BrtriverSimpleCrudBundle:Demo:list.html.twig")
  • template_new: new view template path (e.g. template_new="BrtriverSimpleCrudBundle:Demo:new.html.twig")
  • template_show: show view template path (e.g. template_new="BrtriverSimpleCrudBundle:Demo:show.html.twig")
  • template_edit: edit view template path (e.g. template_new="BrtriverSimpleCrudBundle:Demo:edit.html.twig")

And write your Entity, Repository, FormType and each Templates in your bundle. SimpleCrudBundle make you write minimum codes.

override action methods

If you want to change behavior of each action method, you can simply override each method in your controller:

     * list page of json
     * @Route("/list")
    public function listAction()
        $entities = $this->getRepository()->findAll();

        return new JsonResponse($entities);


SimpleCrudBundle is licensed under the MIT license.