
MySQL C connector wrapper for Python, simple and efficient

Primary LanguageC

pymy -- a Python MySQL connector

What is it

pymy is a Pythonic wrapper for connecting and sending queries to a MariaDB or MySQL database. Once it is not an ORM nor a SQL parser, you must enjoy SQL as much as you enjoy Python itself! And neither it adheres to any PEP database connection specification, but -- it is simple, neat and useful, doing a good job most of the times.

You can query data as simply as

import pymy
db = pymy.Database('test_db', user='myuser', password='pwd1234')
res = db.query('select * from Table1')
for row in res:
    print 'id = {}, name = {}'.format(row['id'], row['name'])

or execute a SQL command...

import pymy
db = pymy.Database('test_db', user='myuser', password='pwd1234')
res = db.execute('insert into Table1 (phone) values ("551112345678")')
print '{} rows affected'.format(res)

Installation Instructions

I've only installed in Linux, but with some effort it should be possible to install it on MacOS and Windows (using Cygwin). -- Help wanted here.


  • libmysqlclient-dev
  • python2.7

Clone the repository and execute setup.py

git clone https://github.com/bruabas/pymy.git
cd pymy
python setup.py build
sudo python setup.py install


  • convert MySQL numeric types into Python Numeric Types
  • convert MySQL date/time types into Python datetime objects
  • convert BLOB data into bytearray() or something
  • provide a Generator for quering huge sets of data (no memory copy)
  • make a Python3 version
  • make installers for systems other than Linux

The API in a minute

pymy.Database class

  • constructor take one compulsory parameter, the database name
  • host address, user name and password are optional. If not supplied, address is supposed to be 'localhost', user is 'root' and password is blank.
db = pymy.Database(name='MyDatabase',
                   host = '',
                   user = 'nonono',
                   password = '1234')

on success it returns a pymy.Database object that you will use to interact with the database. An exception (RuntimeException) is raised if any error occurs.

Two methods are available to acess the database: query() and execute()

pymy.Database.query( str )

  • query() takes a string as a SQL query that returns a result set (usually a SELECT clause)
  • Executes the SQL query on the server, returning a result set (pymy.Table) or None if the query returned no values.
  • Errors in SQL syntax or communication errors raise an exception

pymy.Database.execute( str )

  • execute() takes a string as a SQL query not returning a result set (clauses like INCLUDE, DELETE, etc)
  • Executes the SQL query on the server, returning the number of affected rows.
  • Errors in SQL syntax or communication errors raise an exception

pymy.Table class

  • is an iterable, list-like object, containing the results of a Database.query( )
# result is a pymy.Table
# you can use it as an iterable
result = db.query('select * from Employees')
for item in result:
# or as a list-like
item = result[2]
  • its items are dictionaries with the keys corresponding to the field names
# result is a pymy.Table
# item is a dictionary
result = db.query('select FirstName, LastName from Clients')
item = result[2]
name = item['FirstName']

# or
name = result[2]['FirstName']

pymy.Table.column ( str )

  • This method returns a tuple with the values of all rows corresponding with the desired column
# result is a pymy.Table
# ages is a tuple
result = db.query('select * from Clients')
ages = result.column('age')
# age is something like ( 34, 45, 33, 20, 60, 55 )