Brave Android Browser

Building the Browser

System Requirements

  • OS Linux, Ubuntu (14.04 - 17.10) is completely supported. Other distros may or may not work
  • Make sure you have enough swapspace available
  • yarn (including Node, it is required for ubuntu 17.04 as well)
  • ninja

Preparing the Build Environment

  1. Clone Chromium's depot_tools repository:

    git clone

  2. Add the absolute path of the cloned directory to the end of your PATH variable (You may want to put this in ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc.). Assuming you cloned depot_tools to /path/to/depot_tools:

    export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/depot_tools

  3. Create a browser-android-tabs parent directory:

    mkdir browser-android-tabs

  4. Switch to the directory you just created:

    cd browser-android-tabs

  5. Clone the repository to the src subdirectory:

    git clone src

  6. Switch to the directory you just cloned:

    cd src

  7. Execute the scripts/getThirdParties.js script:

    sh scripts/getThirdParties.js

  8. Enter information as requested by the script. When asked to create a file for arguments, use this gn file.

Making the Build


  1. From the browser-android-tabs/src directory, execute the following:

    ninja -C out/Default chrome_public_apk

  2. Deploy it to your Android device:

    build/android/ out/Default/apks/Brave.apk

Release (arm)

  1. Create configuration in a new folder:

    gn args out/DefaultR

  2. Set these settings in file.

  3. From the browser-android-tabs/src directory, execute the following:

    ninja -C out/DefaultR chrome_public_apk

  4. Sign apk using these steps.

Release (x86)

  1. Create configuration in a new folder:

    gn args out/Defaultx86

  2. Set these settings in file.

  3. From the browser-android-tabs/src directory, execute the following:

    ninja -C out/Defaultx86 chrome_public_apk

  4. Sign apk using these steps.

Known Limitations

  • The browser will not compile in an encrypted file system.
