
Credential Validation Modules

Primary LanguageC

Credential Validation Modules
Bruce Guenter <bruce@untroubled.org>
Version @VERSION@

This package contains:
- The reference source for the CVM interface.
- Diagnostic and benchmark CVM clients.
- A checkpassword interface CVM client.
- A UNIX/POSIX system module (uses getpwnam).
- A flat-file module.
- A vmailmgr module.
- MySQL, PgSQL, and SQLite modules.
- A library for client writers.
- A set of libraries for module writers.

A mailing list has been set up to discuss this and other packages.
To subscribe, send an email to:
A mailing list archive is available at:

Development versions of @PACKAGE@ are available at:


- bglibs library package version 2.01 or later.
- The vmailmgr modules should work with all versions of vmailmgr that
  use CDB password tables, introduced in vmailmgr version 0.89 (only
  tested with version 0.96.9)
- libtool


- Make sure the latest version of bglibs from
  http://untroubled.org/bglibs/ is compiled and installed.
- Build the sources by running "make"
- After the package has been compiled, run the following commands as root:
	make install
  If you want to install in a different directory, run:
	make install install_prefix=/prefix

vmailmgr Configuration:

- If your virtual domain password tables are stored in a file other than
  passwd.cdb, set $VMAILMGR_PWFILE to that file name.

- Set $QMAIL_ROOT to the base qmail directory (defaults to "/var/qmail").

- Set $VMAILMGR_DEFAULT to the vmailmgr default username (defaults to "+").

- Set $DEBUG (to anything) to see debugging output.

- See http://untroubled.org/cvm/cvm.html for information on running
  local or UDP server modules.

Development of this version has been sponsored by FutureQuest, Inc.
ossi@FutureQuest.net  http://www.FutureQuest.net/

This program is Copyright(C) @YEAR@ Bruce Guenter, and may be copied
according to the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (GPL) Version 2 or a later
version.  A copy of this license is included with this package.  This
package comes with no warranty of any kind.

The cvm-vmailmgr project was initiated at FutureQuest, Inc.  We are
releasing it as an open-source project because we felt it would be
useful to others, as well as to repay our debt of gratitude to the
larger open-source community for the excellent packages we have enjoyed.

For more details, you may contact FutureQuest, Inc. at:
FutureQuest, Inc.
PO BOX 623127
Oviedo FL 32762-3127 USA