

Primary LanguageJavaScript

@tntx/workflow 流程图解决方案





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npm i @tntx/workflow


import React, { useRef } from "react";
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import Workflow from "@tntx/workflow";

const Demo = props => {
    const graphInstance = useRef();

    return (
        <div style={{ width: 1000, height: 800 }}>
                saveLoading={false} // 与onSave配合使用
                onSave={(obj) => {
                    console.log(obj); // 返回的数据
                getGraphInstance={(ref) => { graphInstance.current = ref.current; }} // 获取画布实例

    <Demo />,


参数 说明 类型 默认值
initData 初始化渲染数据 Object --
readOnly 设置只读模式 Boolen false
config 决策流相关配置 Object 往下看
toolbar 控制工具栏功能 Object 往下看
saveLoading 只有在toolbar的onSave模式下起作用 Boolen false
onSave 按钮保存回调 Function 返回obj --
stencilItem 拖拽面板数据 Array 内置默认数据,可自定义
getGraphInstance 获取画布实例 Function 返回实例 --


    router: "orthogonal", // 连线模式,默认orthogonal, orthogonal, manhattan, metro, normal
	vertexAdd: false // 是否支持线添加转折点,默认false


    show: true, // 默认true  工具类是否显示
    zoom: true, // 默认true, 放大缩小
    clear: true, // 默认true 清空画布
    undo: true, // 默认true  撤销
    redo: true, // 默认true  重做
    print: true, // 默认true 打印
    formatter: true, // 默认true  格式化
    copyTip: true, // 默认true  复制粘贴提示
    snapLine: true, // 默认true  辅助线
    fullScreen: true, // 默认true  全屏功能
    onSave: true, // 默认true  保存按钮
    navigation: true // 默认true  小窗口导航

stencilItem 数据结果,此处展示内置数据

		type: "circle",
		position: { x: 34, y: 35 },
		size: { width: 50, height: 50 },
		attrs: {
			".label": {
				fill: "#fff",
				text: "开始",
				refY: "-44"
			".body": {
				refWidth: "100%",
				refHeight: "100%",
				rx: "1%",
				ry: "2%",
				stroke: "none",
				fill: "#628FE4"
		type: "circle",
		position: { x: 34, y: 95 },
		size: { width: 50, height: 50 },
		attrs: {
			".label": {
				fill: "#fff",
				text: "暂停",
				refY: "-44"
			".body": {
				refWidth: "100%",
				refHeight: "100%",
				rx: "1%",
				ry: "2%",
				stroke: "none",
				fill: "#E6B55E"
		type: "circle",
		position: { x: 34, y: 155 },
		size: { width: 50, height: 50 },
		attrs: {
			".label": {
				fill: "#fff",
				text: "结束",
				refY: "-44"
			".body": {
				refWidth: "100%",
				refHeight: "100%",
				rx: "1%",
				ry: "2%",
				stroke: "none",
				fill: "#869FBE"
		type: "polygon",
		position: { x: 34, y: 215 },
		size: { width: 54, height: 48 },
		attrs: {
			".outer": {
				fill: "rgba(246,118,19,0.10)",
				stroke: "#F67613",
				"stroke-width": 1,
				"stroke-dasharray": "0"
			text: {
				"text": "排他",
				"font-size": 12,
				"font-weight": "Normal",
				"fill": "#F67613",
				"stroke-width": 1
		type: "polygon",
		position: { x: 34, y: 275 },
		size: { width: 54, height: 48 },
		attrs: {
			".outer": {
				fill: "rgba(36,175,149,0.10)",
				stroke: "#03BD7F",
				"stroke-width": 1,
				"stroke-dasharray": "0"
			text: {
				"text": "并行",
				"font-size": 12,
				"font-weight": "Normal",
				"fill": "#03BD7F",
				"stroke-width": 1
		type: "rect",
		position: { x: 10, y: 338 },
		size: { width: 100, height: 28 },
		content: "<span class='dot'>策</span><span class='ellipsis'>策略集</span>",
		attrs: {
			".body": {
				refWidth: "100%",
				refHeight: "100%",
				rx: "14px",
				ry: "14px",
				stroke: "#CCD9FD",
				fill: "#EAEEFA"
		type: "rect",
		position: { x: 10, y: 383 },
		size: { width: 100, height: 28 },
		content: "<span class='dot' style=\"background: #CFAB67;\">三</span><span class='ellipsis'>三方服务</span>",
		attrs: {
			".body": {
				refWidth: "100%",
				refHeight: "100%",
				rx: "14px",
				ry: "14px",
				stroke: "#CCD9FD",
				fill: "#EAEEFA"
		type: "rect",
		position: { x: 10, y: 427 },
		size: { width: 100, height: 28 },
		content: "<span class='dot' style=\"background: #67CFCB;\">补</span><span class='ellipsis'>决策补充</span>",
		attrs: {
			".body": {
				refWidth: "100%",
				refHeight: "100%",
				rx: "14px",
				ry: "14px",
				stroke: "#CCD9FD",
				fill: "#EAEEFA"
		type: "rect",
		position: { x: 10, y: 471 },
		size: { width: 100, height: 28 },
		content: "<span class='dot' style=\"background: #CF6767;\">工</span><span class='ellipsis'>决策工具</span>",
		attrs: {
			".body": {
				refWidth: "100%",
				refHeight: "100%",
				rx: "14px",
				ry: "14px",
				stroke: "#CCD9FD",
				fill: "#EAEEFA"
		type: "rect",
		position: { x: 10, y: 515 },
		size: { width: 100, height: 28 },
		content: "<span class='dot' style=\"background: #4DA9C9;\">模</span><span class='ellipsis'>模型</span>",
		attrs: {
			".body": {
				refWidth: "100%",
				refHeight: "100%",
				rx: "14px",
				ry: "14px",
				stroke: "#CCD9FD",
				fill: "#EAEEFA"
		type: "rect",
		position: { x: 10, y: 559 },
		size: { width: 100, height: 28 },
		content: "<span class='dot' style=\"background: #D97B4E;\">算</span><span class='ellipsis'>计算公式</span>",
		attrs: {
			".body": {
				refWidth: "100%",
				refHeight: "100%",
				rx: "14px",
				ry: "14px",
				stroke: "#CCD9FD",
				fill: "#EAEEFA"
		type: "rect",
		position: { x: 10, y: 603 },
		size: { width: 100, height: 28 },
		content: "<span class='dot' style=\"background: #9367C6;\">挑</span><span class='ellipsis'>冠军挑战者</span>",
		attrs: {
			".body": {
				refWidth: "100%",
				refHeight: "100%",
				rx: "14px",
				ry: "14px",
				stroke: "#CCD9FD",
				fill: "#EAEEFA"
		type: "rect",
		position: { x: 10, y: 647 },
		size: { width: 100, height: 28 },
		content: "<span class='dot' style=\"background: #8390DB;\">动</span><span class='ellipsis'>动作</span>",
		attrs: {
			".body": {
				refWidth: "100%",
				refHeight: "100%",
				rx: "14px",
				ry: "14px",
				stroke: "#CCD9FD",
				fill: "#EAEEFA"

getGraphInstance 实例提供的方法

方法 说明
clear() 清空画布
undo() 撤销
redo() 重做
print() 打印
zoomIn() 放大
zoomOut() 缩小
format(direction) 格式化:"LR, TB"
toggleFullScreen(boolen) 全屏切换
setData(data) 重置画布数据
destroy() 销毁
getLinks() 获取所有线
getElements() 获取所有节点
setLineColor(id, color) 设置线的颜色
setElementsBorderColor(id, color) 设置节点border的颜色
openSnaplines() 开启辅助线
closeSnaplines() 关闭辅助线
setSnaplineColor(color) 给辅助线更换颜色




The following list contains events that you can react on:

  • change - generic event triggered for any change in the graph
  • add - triggered when a new cell is added to the graph
  • remove - triggered when a cell is removed from the graph
graphInstance.current.graph.on('add', function(cell) { 



The following list contains events that you can react on in a paper:

graphInstance.current.paper.on('element:pointerclick', function(cellView, e, x, y) { 
事件 说明
pointerclick 单击事件
cell:pointerclick 节点和线的单击事件,回调函数传递cellView, evt, x和y作为参数。
link:pointerclick 线的单击事件,回调函数传递cellView, evt, x和y作为参数。
element:pointerclick 节点的单击事件,回调函数传递cellView, evt, x和y作为参数。
blank:pointerclick 空白画布的单击事件,回调函数传递evt, x和y作为参数。
pointerdblclick 双击事件
cell:pointerdblclick 节点和线的双击事件,回调函数传递cellView, evt, x和y作为参数。
link:pointerdblclick 线的双击事件,回调函数传递cellView, evt, x和y作为参数。
element:pointerdblclick 节点的双击事件,回调函数传递cellView, evt, x和y作为参数。
blank:pointerdblclick 空白画布的双击事件,回调函数传递evt, x和y作为参数。
contextmenu 右键单击事件
cell:contextmenu 节点和线的右键单击事件,回调函数传递cellView, evt, x和y作为参数。
link:contextmenu 线的右键单击事件,回调函数传递cellView, evt, x和y作为参数。
element:contextmenu 节点的右键单击事件,回调函数传递cellView, evt, x和y作为参数。
blank:contextmenu 空白画布的右键单击事件,回调函数传递evt, x和y作为参数。

更多扩展,请访问joint官方API文档 https://resources.jointjs.com/mmap/joint.html