Integrate Module =========================== Provides datatypes that allows the user to select one (External Option) or more (External Multiple Option) values from an existing database table. External Option --------------------------- Allows for a single select from an external database table to be stored in the content object. Stores selected item index value in data_int of attribute. When adding this datatype to a content lass the user is asked for a lookup table name as well as the index and label columns. The index column must be an interger type. Can be used as an information collector. This is quite handy if you need to the options to be consistant across a number of content objects. (the existing Option datatype requires that the options are entered for each content object) External Multiple Option -------------------------- Stores selected items index values in specified table. When adding this datatype to a content lass the user is asked for a lookup table name, index and label columns and a storage table. The index column must be an interger type. The storage table must have the following structure: CREATE TABLE cmsTimetableCategoryModes ( contentobject_attribute_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', version int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', [LooupTableIndex] int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', contentobject_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (contentobject_attribute_id,version,[LooupTableIndex]) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; where [LooupTableIndex] is the index column as defined in the content class. Includes an extended attributefilter to find objects that have a common external option values. Installation ----------------- Follow these steps to add the integrate module to your eZ publish installation: 1) Extract the archive into the /extension directory 2) Edit site.ini.append in /settings/override. Add the following to the file: [ExtensionSettings] ActiveExtensions[]=integrate If you already have the [ExtensionSettings] block, just add the second line. License ----------------- This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the "GNU General Public License" version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The "GNU General Public License" (GPL) is available at Contact if any conditions of this licencing isn't clear to you.
Provides datatypes that allows the user to select one (External Option) or multiple (External Multiple Option) values from an existing database table.