

Getting Started

  1. Install OpenGL
  2. Install Rust
  3. clone this repo, cd flightsim
  4. cargo run


To be implemented

Feature Status
Surface ✔️
Geographic heightdata ✔️
Geographic texture ✔️
Water ✔️
Specular light water ✔️
Light source, sun ✔️
Plane model ✔️
Plane controls ✔️
Plane physics ✔️
Plane animations ✔️
Skybox ✔️

Might be implemented

Feature Status
Swap between FPS-camera and TPS-camera
Plane physics based on proper formulas
Night / Day cycle
Plane collision
Land planes
Water bump map ✔️
Simple multiplayer (client authorative)
Plane guns
Plane v plane collision
Plane shadows
Basic UI showing speed
Menu with plane selection


Plane Skybox(unknown origin, this is where we found it) Skybox(also found here)