
My terminal configurations

Primary LanguageVim Script

Bruce's Ultimate Perl Vim Configuration

Vim App

  • Save (write): :w
  • Save All: :wa
  • Save All + quit: :wqa
  • Quit: :q
  • Quit (no save): :q!
  • Quit+Save: :wq
  • Quit all: :qa
  • Quit all no save: :qa!

Note: You can use Ctrl-z to put vim in background, and fg command to put vim back to foreground.

Tip: execute any bash command via :!. For example, quickly change the permission of your current file via :!chmod +x %.


Open Files by Name

  • Search files by name: <c-p>, in CtrlP:
    • Switch filename/fullpath search only: <c-d>
    • next/previous string in the prompt's history: <c-n>, <c-p>
    • regex mode: <c-r>
    • cycle modes: <c-f> <--> <c-b>
    • search buffers: \b
  • Toggle NERDTree: F5, in NERDTree:
    • Scope to directory: C
    • Go up one directory: U
    • go to parent: p
    • set working directory: cd inside NERDTree
    • search folder by name: /foo and ?foo as you would normally search in a file
    • create/delete file/folder: m
    • refresh tree: r

Jump to Definition

You need to have ctags configured

  • Go to definition: ctrl-], ctrl-t to go back
  • Navigate around jumps: ctrl-o <--> ctrl-i

In File

  • Character: h j k l
  • Word/WORD: bB <--> wW
  • Line: 0 <--> $
  • First char of line: ^
  • Prev/Next occurence of word under cursor: # <--> *
  • Page: ^d v--^ ^u

Code Outline

Launch TagBar: <F8> In Tagbar:

  • Jump to file without closing the panel: p
  • Go to area and close panel <cr>


  • Properly close buffer: \w
  • Close all buffers but this: \aw
  • Go to buffer :b1, where 1 is buffer id
  • Next buffer: bn
  • Previous buffer: bp

Error Checking

Errors then show up in the location panel, which you can open :lopen and close :lclose.

Editing Code

Code Commenting

  • comment line: \cl
  • minimal comment block: \cm
  • uncomment line/block \cu
  • append comment: \cA

Search/Replace in Files

Within file

  • Search: ?foo <--> /foo, on [enter], press N <--> n to jump between matches
    • Clear search highlight: :noh
  • Replace: :%s/source/target/gcI
    • % search whole file
      • '<,'> search selection (visual select)
      • default to search current line
    • c asks for confirmation, default to replace all
      • on c+[enter], y n to replace, q to stop
    • I case sensitive, default to insensitive

In visual mode:

  • search selection: <c-l>
  • search+replace selection with confirmation: <c-r>

In normal mode:

  • Search word under cursor: *

Across files (Using CtrlSF)

Toggle search panel: \t

CtrlSF Arguments

  • -R - Use regular expression pattern.
  • -I, -S - Search case-insensitively (-I) or case-sensitively (-S).
  • -C, -A, -B - Specify how many context lines to be printed, identical to their counterparts in Ag/Ack.
  • -W - Only match whole words.

In insert mode:

  • search something: \f
  • search word under cursor: \n

In visual mode:

  • search selection: \f

Copy Pasting

Within Vim

copy (yank): y paste: p

Outside Vim

Copy the whole file: leave vim and use cat filename, then copy from terminal.

If your vim doesn't copy to clipboard, a hack is to copy from the terminal. <F3> disables mouse input and line numbers, but allows you to select the text to copy. Press <F3 to toggle back again.


Select inner block of matching brace: vi{

  • { can replaced with (, ', ", [
  • use va{ if you also want to include the brace

Column select: ctrl-v Line select: V

Code Folding

Define Folds

  • Fold visual select: zf
  • Fold all within {} block: zfa{
  • Delete fold: zd

Using Folds

  • close/open fold zc/zo
  • close/open all folds: zM/zR

Change Settings

Edit .vimrc: \\r Source .vimrc: \r

Neat Commands

  • Execute perl tidy on current file: :Tidy (usually you won't need to do this because saving the file executes perl tidy)
  • Open terminal: :vert term, <c-w> :q to close
  • Search perl-doc: either :Perldoc commandname or K on keyword.
  • Remove trailing whitespaces :FixWhitespace


  • :set-window-option -g mode-keys vi - vi or emacs (default) mode
  • :set-option mouse off - turns off mouse mode so you can copy paste
  • ] - paste from tmux buffer
  • % - split horizontal
  • " - split vertical
  • , - rename window
  • I - install plugins

Copy Paste Mode

In mouse mode, scroll to enter

  • / v--^ ? - find in window (vi)
  • c-s v--^ c-r - find in window (emacs)