
Kinda like an ai version of let me google that for you.

Primary LanguagePython

Personal Researcher

Program generates a task list based on query, searches each task in the list, saves it to research, reviews the research and generates and answer.

API server

currently using the llamacpp completion server. But any api server should work. Recommend a long context model. I am using sciphi but the sensei model they have might handle the search query a bit better, but not sure it would handle the task generation better.

server.exe -m ./models/7B/sciphi-self-rag-mistral-7b-32k.Q5_K_M.gguf -c 30000 --n-gpu-layers 21

using the lite version of duck duck go since the urlhandler is super simple. It also only shows the bot 2500 chars of the search result, that gives the top 5 or so results.

Tested with a 7b model I coded it on. Haven't tried mixtral yet.


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