
A collection of lightweight, up-to-date, pre-generated, specification compliant, localized emoji JSON datasets, regex patterns, and more.

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Emojibase, the ultimate emoji database.

A collection of lightweight, up-to-date, pre-generated, specification compliant, localized emoji JSON datasets, regex patterns, and more.



Emoji's are generated into JSON files called datasets, with each dataset being grouped into one of the following: localized data, versioned data, and metadata. These datasets can be found within the emojibase-data package.

npm install emojibase-data --save
// Or
yarn add emojibase-data

JSON files will need to be parsed manually unless handled by a build/bundle process.


As stated, there are 3 groups of datasets, each serving a specific purpose. The first group, localized data, is exactly that, datasets with localization provided by CLDR 32 Beta. The following locales and languages are currently supported:

  • emojibase-data/zh/data.json - Chinese (zh)
  • emojibase-data/da/data.json - Danish (da)
  • emojibase-data/en/data.json - English (en)
  • emojibase-data/fr/data.json - French (fr)
  • emojibase-data/de/data.json - German (de)
  • emojibase-data/it/data.json - Italian (it)
  • emojibase-data/ja/data.json - Japanese (ja)
  • emojibase-data/ko/data.json - Korean (ko)
  • emojibase-data/ru/data.json - Russian (ru)
  • emojibase-data/es/data.json - Spanish (es)

These datasets return an array of emoji objects that adhere to the defined data structure.

import emojis from 'emojibase-data/en/data.json';

The second group, versioned data, provides datasets for emoji and Unicode release versions. These datasets return a map, with the key being the version, and the value being an array of emoji hexcodes included in the associated release version.

  • emojibase-data/versions/emoji.json - Emoji characters grouped by emoji version.
  • emojibase-data/versions/unicode.json - Emoji characters grouped by Unicode version.
import unicodeVersions from 'emojibase-data/versions/unicode.json';

The third and last group, metadata, provides specialized datasets for unique use cases.

  • emojibase-data/meta/groups.json - A map of non-localized emoji groups (Smileys & People), subgroups (Sky & Weather), and hierarchy, according to the official Unicode data files.
  • emojibase-data/meta/hexcodes.json - An array of all emoji hexcodes (hexadecimal codepoints).
  • emojibase-data/meta/shortcodes.json - An array of all emoji shortcodes.
  • emojibase-data/meta/unicode.json - An array of all emoji unicode characters, including text and emoji presentation characters.
import { groups, subgroups, hierarchy } from 'emojibase-data/meta/groups.json';

Data Structure

Each emoji character found within the pre-generated datasets are represented by an object composed of the properties listed below. In an effort to reduce the overall dataset filesize, most property values have been implemented using integers, with associated constants.

  • annotation (string) - A localized description, provided by CLDR 32 Beta, primarily used for text-to-speech (TTS) and accessibility.
  • emoji (string) - The emoji presentation Unicode character.
  • emoticon (string) - If applicable, an emoticon representing the emoji character.
  • gender (number) - If applicable, the gender of the emoji character. 0 for female, 1 for male.
  • group (number) - The categorical group the emoji belongs to, ranging from 0 (smileys) to 7 (flags).
  • hexcode (string) - The hexadecimal representation of the emoji Unicode codepoint, including zero width joiners and variation selectors.
  • name (string) - The generated name according to the official Unicode data.
  • order (number) - The order in which emoji should be displayed on a device, through a keyboard or emoji picker.
  • shortcodes (string[]) - An array of community curated shortcodes. Does not include surrounding colons.
  • skins (emoji[]) - If applicable, an array of emoji objects for each skin tone modification, starting at light skin, and ending with dark skin.
  • subgroup (number) - The categorical subgroup the emoji belongs to, ranging from 0 to 75.
  • tags (string[]) - An array of localized keywords, provided by CLDR 32 Beta, to use for searching and filtering.
  • text (string) - The text presentation Unicode character.
  • tone (number) - If applicable, the skin tone of the emoji character. 1 for light skin, 2 for medium-light skin, 3 for medium skin, 4 for medium-dark skin, and 5 for dark skin.
  • type (number) - The default presentation of the emoji character. 0 for text, 1 for emoji.
  • unicode (string) - Either the emoji or text presentation Unicode character. Only available in the compact dataset.
  • version (number) - The version in which the emoji character was released.

Not all properties will be found in the emoji object, as properties without an applicable value are omitted from the emoji object.

  annotation: 'man lifting weights',
  emoji: '๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™‚๏ธ',
  gender: 1,
  group: 0,
  hexcode: '1F3CB-FE0F-200D-2642-FE0F',
  order: 1518,
  shortcodes: [
  subgroup: 0,
  tags: [
    'weight lifter',
  type: 1,
  version: 4,
  skins: [
      annotation: 'man lifting weights: light skin tone',
      emoji: '๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ',
      gender: 1,
      group: 0,
      hexcode: '1F3CB-1F3FB-200D-2642-FE0F',
      order: 1522,
      shortcodes: [
      subgroup: 0,
      type: 1,
      tone: 1,
      version: 4,
    // ...

Compact Format

While the emoji data is pretty thorough, not all of it may be required, and as such, a compact dataset is supported. This dataset supports the following properties: annotation, emoticon, group, hexcode, order, shortcodes, skins, tags, and unicode.

To use a compact dataset, replace data.json with compact.json.

import data from 'emojibase-data/en/compact.json';
  annotation: 'man lifting weights',
  group: 0,
  hexcode: '1F3CB-FE0F-200D-2642-FE0F',
  order: 1518,
  shortcodes: [
  tags: [
    'weight lifter',
  unicode: '๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™‚๏ธ',
  skins: [
      annotation: 'man lifting weights: light skin tone',
      group: 0,
      hexcode: '1F3CB-1F3FB-200D-2642-FE0F',
      order: 1522,
      shortcodes: [
      unicode: '๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ',
    // ...

Fetching From A CDN

If you prefer to not inflate your bundle size with these large JSON datasets, you can fetch them from our CDN (provided by jsdelivr.com) using fetchFromCDN.

import { fetchFromCDN } from 'emojibase';

fetchFromCDN('en/data.json').then((emojis) => {
  // Do something with it!

Learn more about the fetchFromCDN API.

Regex Patterns

Matching emoji characters within a string can be difficult, as multiple codepoints, surrogate pairs, variation selectors, zero width joiners, so on and so forth, must be taken into account. To make this whole process easier, pre-built regex patterns are available in the emojibase-regex package.

npm install emojibase-regex --save
// Or
yarn add emojibase-regex


As stated, there are 5 regex patterns. One for matching emoji presentation characters, one for matching text presentation characters, one for matching both types of characters, and the last for matching shortcodes or emoticons.

  • emojibase-regex - Matches both emoji and text presentation characters.
  • emojibase-regex/emoji - Matches only emoji presentation characters.
  • emojibase-regex/text - Matches only text presentation characters.
  • emojibase-regex/emoticon - Matches supported emoticons and their permutations.
  • emojibase-regex/shortcode - Matches supported shortcodes.

Each of these imports return a RegExp instance with no flags defined.

import EMOJI_REGEX from 'emojibase-regex';
import EMOTICON_REGEX from 'emojibase-regex/emoticon';
import SHORTCODE_REGEX from 'emojibase-regex/shortcode';


The u (unicode) and g (global) flags are not defined on these patterns.

The emoticon regex does not include word boundaries.

Unicode Codepoint Support

By default, regex patterns are generated using hexadecimal Unicode ranges. If desired, ES2015+ Unicode codepoint aware regex patterns can be used, which can be found in the codepoint directory.

import CODEPOINT_EMOJI_REGEX from 'emojibase-regex/codepoint';

Codepoint regex patterns are only supported in Node.js and modern browsers.

The u (unicode) flag is required (defined by default) when using these patterns.

Unicode Property Support

An ECMAScript proposal to support Unicode property escapes within regex is currently in the works. This proposal, if passed, would enable regex patterns like the following: /\p{Emoji}/. This feature would greatly reduce the filesize of our regex patterns while being more accurate to the Unicode standard.

These patterns can be found in the property directory, but use at your own risk!

import PROPERTY_EMOJI_REGEX from 'emojibase-regex/property';


Shortcodes are short and succinct words, surrounded by colons, representing emoji (:cat:). They're primarily used within forums, comments, message posts, and basically anywhere with user-to-user communication. They exist for situations where an emoji keyboard is not present, but emoji characters should be supported.

That being said, shortcodes are not officially supported by Unicode or any standard, and are entirely community driven. Because of this, shortcodes (also known as shortnames), may differ between implementations, websites, or libraries.

Emojibase aims to solve this problem with a maintained and curated list of shortcodes that abide the following guidelines:

  • Must be short and succinct. Easy to type, easy to remember. This infers a small filesize.
  • Must be consistent across locales and languages by utilizing English shortcodes. It's a language common amongst supported locales.
  • Must use descriptive nouns over verbose phrases. For example, "storm" over "cloud with lightning and rain".
  • Must use emotions when describing smileys. For example, "happy" over "smiling face with open mouth & smiling eyes".
  • Must keep backwards compatibility and historical integrity by never removing and renaming shortcodes.
  • Must support multiple shortcodes per emoji character, for usage within different contexts.
  • Must align with or base off CLDR 32 Beta annotations.


Emoticons, like shortcodes, are maintained and curated for integrity and accuracy, seeing as how there are so many variations (:) vs =] vs :}). Do we support : or = for eyes? What about ), ], or } for mouths? Or maybe a nose with -?

Emojibase solves this with a set of naming guidelines and the ability to generate emoticon permutations. With this in place, a single emoticon can be defined per emoji, reducing the overall filesize and maintenance overhead.

Only Western styled emoticons are currently supported.


What kind of emoji database would this be without a few helper functions for easily using and working with emoji characters? A bad one, and thus, a handful of functions can be found in the emojibase package.

npm install emojibase --save
// Or
yarn add emojibase


This function will fetch emojibase-data JSON files from our CDN, parse them, and return an array of emoji objects. It requires a file path relative to the emojibase-data package as the 1st argument, and the Emojibase release version as the 2nd argument (defaults to the latest).

import { fetchFromCDN, flattenEmojiData } from 'emojibase';

fetchFromCDN('ja/compact.json', '2.1.3').then(flattenEmojiData);

Only JSON datasets can be fetched from the CDN.

Successfully fetched data will be cached in session storage.


By default, emoji skin modifications are nested under the base neutral skin tone emoji. To flatten the data into a single dimension array, use the flattenEmojiData function.

import { flattenEmojiData } from 'emojibase';

    hexcode: '1F3CB-FE0F-200D-2642-FE0F',
    // ...
    skins: [
        hexcode: '1F3CB-1F3FB-200D-2642-FE0F',
        // ...
      // ...

    hexcode: '1F3CB-FE0F-200D-2642-FE0F',
    // ...
    hexcode: '1F3CB-1F3FB-200D-2642-FE0F',
    // ...

Tags from the parent emoji will be passed down to the skin modifications.


This function will convert an array of numerical codepoints to a literal emoji Unicode character.

import { fromCodepointToUnicode } from 'emojibase';

fromCodepointToUnicode([128104, 8205, 128105, 8205, 128103, 8205, 128102]); // ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘งโ€๐Ÿ‘ฆ


This function will convert a hexadecimal codepoint to an array of numerical codepoints. By default, it will split the hexcode using a dash, but can be customized with the 2nd argument.

import { fromHexcodeToCodepoint } from 'emojibase';

fromHexcodeToCodepoint('270A-1F3FC'); // [9994, 127996]
fromHexcodeToCodepoint('270A 1F3FC', ' '); // [9994, 127996]


This function will convert a literal emoji Unicode character into a dash separated hexadecimal codepoint. Unless false is passed as the 2nd argument, zero width joiner's and variation selectors are removed.

import { fromUnicodeToHexcode } from 'emojibase';

fromUnicodeToHexcode('๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘งโ€๐Ÿ‘ฆ'); // 1F468-1F469-1F467-1F466
fromUnicodeToHexcode('๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘งโ€๐Ÿ‘ฆ', false); // 1F468-200D-1F469-200D-1F467-200D-1F466


This function will generate multiple permutations of a base emoticon character. The following permutations will occur:

  • ) mouth will be replaced with ] and }. The same applies to sad/frowning mouths.
  • / mouth will be replaced with \.
  • : eyes will be replaced with =.
  • Supports a - nose, by injecting between the eyes and mouth.
  • Supports both uppercase and lowercase variants.
import { generateEmoticonPermutations } from 'emojibase';

generateEmoticonPermutations(':)'); // =-), =-}, :-], =-], :-}, :-), =}, =], =), :}, :], :)

The base emoticon must follow a set of naming guidelines to work properly.

Furthermore, this function accepts an options object as the 2nd argument, as a means to customize the output.

  • isFace (bool) - Toggles face permutations (mouth and eye variants). Defaults to true.
  • withNose (bool) - Toggles nose inclusion. Defaults to true.
generateEmoticonPermutations(':)', { withNose: false }); // =}, =], =), :}, :], :)
generateEmoticonPermutations('\\m/', { isFace: false }); // \m/, \M/


This function will strip zero width joiners (200D) and variation selectors (FE0E, FE0F) from a hexadecimal codepoint.

import { stripHexcode } from 'emojibase';

stripHexcode('1F468-200D-2695-FE0F'); // 1F468-2695


emojibase-data Filesize Gzipped
meta/groups.json 2.85 KB 943 B
meta/shortcodes.json 24.18 KB 7.3 KB
meta/unicode.json 45.08 KB 8.55 KB
versions/emoji.json 52.29 KB 7.23 KB
versions/unicode.json 52.41 KB 7.35 KB
meta/hexcodes.json 56.24 KB 8.52 KB
zh/compact.json 611.74 KB 62.88 KB
fr/compact.json 615.33 KB 59.52 KB
da/compact.json 633.33 KB 62.18 KB
en/compact.json 640.25 KB 60.93 KB
it/compact.json 644.81 KB 65 KB
ja/compact.json 645.29 KB 65.82 KB
ko/compact.json 648.07 KB 67.4 KB
es/compact.json 664.45 KB 65.49 KB
de/compact.json 669.43 KB 69.01 KB
ru/compact.json 704.29 KB 72.01 KB
zh/data.json 913 KB 85.52 KB
fr/data.json 916.6 KB 82.12 KB
da/data.json 934.6 KB 84.69 KB
en/data.json 941.52 KB 82.97 KB
it/data.json 946.07 KB 87.33 KB
ja/data.json 946.56 KB 88.39 KB
ko/data.json 949.33 KB 90.04 KB
es/data.json 965.71 KB 88.21 KB
de/data.json 970.69 KB 91.91 KB
ru/data.json 1005.56 KB 94.64 KB
emojibase-regex Filesize Gzipped
shortcode.js 35 B 55 B
property/text.js 37 B 57 B
property/emoji.js 102 B 92 B
property/index.js 114 B 101 B
emoticon.js 440 B 243 B
text.js 2.91 KB 626 B
codepoint/text.js 3.59 KB 660 B
emoji.js 6.83 KB 1.63 KB
index.js 6.84 KB 1.63 KB
codepoint/emoji.js 7.62 KB 1.65 KB
codepoint/index.js 7.64 KB 1.65 KB