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🧑🏼‍💻 Current Position:

Post-Doc | University of Bern @ Institute of Political Science & Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research
(10/2021 to Present)
Working on the projects SWEET EDGE (Enabling Decentralized renewable GEneration in the Swiss cities, midlands, and the Alps) focussing on adoption behaviour with respect to renewable energy technologies, mostly solar PV, and SURE (SUstainable and Resilient Energy for Switzerland) with focus on future climate and energy policy, both funded by Swiss Federal Office of Energy, SFOE. Organisation of Swiss Social Science & Humanities Energy Research Group

🚗 Previous Academic Positions:

Visiting Fellow London | School of Economics and Political Science @ Social Policy Department
Working on urban experiences with environmental policies targeted at transport emissions, such as Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) and Ultra-Low Emission Zones (ULEZ).

Researcher & PhD Candidate | ETH Zurich @ International Political Economy and Environmental Politics & Institute of Science, Technology and Policy (Swiss Mobility Lab)
Projects included e.g., Fostering the Transition Towards More Fuel-Efficient Cars funded by Swiss Federal Office of Energy, SFOE.

🎓 Completed Education

Dr. sc. ETH, Doctoral thesis entitled Electric vehicle adoption and acceptance.
ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
Supervisor: Thomas Bernauer Committee members: Isabelle Stadelmann-Steffen, Kay W. Axhausen. (2017– 2021)

Master of Science, International Economics and Policy Consulting
University of Magdeburg, Germany.
Thesis: An Econometric Analysis of the Effect of Political Contributions from the Oil Industry on Votes at the US Congress. (2014 – 2017)

Exchange Semester, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France. (2015 - 2016)

Bachelor of Science, Economics
University of Munich, Germany.
Thesis: Widowhood, Medical Expenditures, and Health Care Utilization among the Elderly US Population. (2010 – 2013)

Exchange Semester, Stockholm University, Sweden. (2012 - 2013)

📑 Peer-reviewed Publications

Brückmann, G. & Bernauer, T. (2023). An experimental analysis of consumer preferences towards public charging infrastructure. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 116, 103626.

Brückmann, G., Berger, S., Caviola, H., Hahnel, U., Piana, V., Sahakian M., Stadelmann-Steffen, I. & the Swiss Social Science and Humanities Energy Research Group (2023). Towards more impactful energy research: The salient role of social sciences and humanities. PLOS Climate, 2(2),
• Covered in energeia.

Brückmann, G. (2022). The effects of policies providing information and trialling on the knowledge about and the intention to adopt new energy technologies. Energy Policy, 167,

Brückmann, G. (2022). Test drives & information might not boost actual battery electric vehicle uptake. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 160,

Wicki, M., Brückmann, G. & Bernauer, T. (2022). How to accelerate the uptake of electric cars? Insights from a choice experiment. Journal of Cleaner Production,

Wicki, M., Brückmann, G., Quoß, F. & Bernauer, T. (2022). What do we really know about the acceptance of battery electric vehicles? – Turns out, not much. Transport Reviews,

Brückmann, G., Wicki, M. & Bernauer, T. (2021). Is resale anxiety an obstacle to electric vehicle adoption? Results from a survey experiment in Switzerland. Environmental Research Letters, 16 (12), 124027.

Brückmann, G., Willibald, F. & Blanco, V. (2021). Battery Electric Vehicle adoption in regions without strong policies. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 90, 102615.

Brückmann, G. & Bernauer, T. (2020). What drives public support for policies to enhance electric vehicle adoption? Environmental Research Letters, 15(9), 094002.
• Covered in Yale Environmental Review. Explained in ISTP4Public video.

🧑🏼‍💼 Conference and Academic Seminar Presentations

  • 2024: SPSA (Swiss Political Science Association Annual Congress), APSA (American Political Science Association) Virtual Research Meeting, Swiss Social Science and Humanities Energy Workshop, EPSA (European Political Science Association Annual Congress), E4EE (Workshop on Experimental Economics for the Environment)
  • 2023: SPSA , EPCS (European Public Choice Society), EPSA, Swiss Social Science and Humanities Energy Workshop (as organizer and presenter), Dreiländertagung (D-A-CH-Congress) (presenter and panel organizer), LSE Social Policy seminar
  • 2022: SPSA, PolMeth Europe, Swiss Social Science and Humanities Energy Workshops (lead organiser), EPSA, EPG Online
  • 2021: SPSA, OSWEET (Online Summer Workshop in Environment, Energy, and Transportation), Environment, Transport, and Sustainability (EnTS) Research Group Seminar University of Bath
  • 2020: EMEE, SPSA (accepted, not participated due to injury.), PSA ECN, 3-Länder International Political Economy conference 2020. (Paper accepted, conference cancelled.)
  • 2019: IAEE International Conference, EPSA, AIEE Energy Symposium

🙇🏼 Peer-Review for Scientific Journals

Applied Economics, Climate Policy, Energy Economics, Energy Research & Social Science, Environmental Research Communications, Environmental Research Letters, Environmental Sciences Europe, European Journal of Political Research, Global Sustainability, Joule, Nature Energy, Patterns, Scientific Reports, The Journal of Politics, Transportation.

🧑🏼‍🏫 Teaching Experience

Own semester-long teaching

Lecture The Art of Causal Inference, University of Bern (Spring 2023)
Master Seminar Energy and Mobility Policies for Decarbonisation, University of Bern (Fall 2022,2023&2024)
Tutorial Mathematical Methods in Economics, accompanying lecture by Prof. H. Rainer, Ph.D., LMU Munich (2012)

Co-teaching, shorter teaching & thesis supervision

Lectures Renewable Energy Acceptance using Causality and Data Science Organiser: Prof. Dr. Philipp Schütz, Domain Experience: Data analytics for energy systems and IOT, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. (Spring 2024)
Lectures Political Economy of Climate Change, Organiser: Prof. Dr. V. Koubi, University of Bern (Spring 2023)
Lecture Climate Change Policy and Electric Vehicles in Europe, Organiser: Climate Physics seminar, Weber State University, Ogden, Utah. (Nov 2022)
Supervision of master thesis on "Electric charging behaviour – Understanding the trilemma of willingness to pay, the value of time and source of energy in the context of public charging stations in the German part of Switzerland", ETH Zürich (Nov 2021)
Lecture on Battery-electric Vehicle Adoption at Frontiers in Energy Research, Organiser: Energy Science Centre, ETH Zurich (2021)
Lecture on Sustainable Development at “Political Economy”. Organisation jointly with: V. Koubi, D. Kolcava, ETH Zurich (2021)
Supervision of master thesis on “The role of charging infrastructure to the mainstream adoption of battery electric vehicles (BEVs)”, ETH Zurich (2020)
Lecture on Experimental Political Science at Proseminar 2. Organisers: D. Presberger, F. Quoß, ETH Zurich (2020)
Tutorial Methoden der Empirischen Sozialforschung (Empirical social science methods), lecture by Dr. L. Rudolph, ETH Zurich (2018&2019)
Seminar instructor IDEA League Challenge: The mobility challenge, Organize: Prof. Dr. T. Bernauer, ETH Zurich (2018&2019)

💸 Grants

In-kind Grant University of Bern eCoaches digital skills in teaching program funding a teaching assistant for Master's seminar in fall semester 2024
Travel Grant UniBE Short Travel Grants for (Post)Docs funding for research stay at LSE, CHF 7,000, 2023
Travel Grant from Berne University Research Foundation for research stay at LSE, CHF 3,398, 2023
Travel Grant from Swiss Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities (SAGW) for a conference visit, CHF 500, 2023
Project Grant Swiss Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities (SAGW), project funding for Swiss Social Science & Humanities Energy Research Group, CHF 7,000, 2022
Project Grant Swiss Office of Energy Swiss Federal Office of Energy, (SFOE), project funding for Swiss Social Science & Humanities Energy Research Group, CHF 5,000, 2022
Project Grant Promotion Fund (funding for networking activities of intermediate statt members) at University of Bern, project funding for Swiss Social Science and Humanities Energy Research Group Workshops, CHF 5,000, jointly received with Rebeka Sträter and Jonas Schmid

🤝 Services to the community

Since 2022 Organizer Swiss Social Science & Humanities Energy Research Group
Since 2022 Member of Commission for the Promotion of Early Career Researchers, University of Bern.
Since 2022 Deputy Member Commission for Quality Assurance and Development and Gender Equality Commission, University of Bern.
Since 2022 Head and Member of the panel for The Fund for the Promotion of Young Researchers, University of Bern.
2019-2022 Founding Member MeWell Community, Zurich.
2017-2021 Member of Commission for Master in Science, Technology and Policy (MSc ETH STP), ETH Zurich.
2011-2012 Student representative, Senate, LMU Munich.

💬 Languages

🇩🇪 German: Native
🇬🇧 English: C1
🇫🇷 French: B2
Some knowledge: 🇸🇪🇪🇸🇨🇭

This CV is inspired by Carolstan.