
The official implementatation of paper "BOTH2Hands: Inferring 3D Hands from Both Text Prompts and Body Dynamics".



The official implementation of the paper "BOTH2Hands: Inferring 3D Hands from Both Text Prompts and Body Dynamics".

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BOTH57M Dataset

The dataset is available on Here and requires the password to unzip the file. Please carefully read, fill in the license form, and send it to Wenqian Zhang (zhangwq2022@shanghaitech.edu.cn) and cc Lan Xu (xulan1@shanghaitech.edu.cn) to request access.

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(1) Students are NOT eligible to be a recipient. If you are a student, please ask your supervisor to make a request.

(2) Once the license agreement is signed, we will give access to the data.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.