- 16
- 2
Upgrading with brew breaks the install
#99 opened by brujoand - 11
- 1
Format source files with shfmt
#102 opened by SuperSandro2000 - 2
k8s namespace missing
#108 opened by pulberg - 1
git worktree support?
#125 opened by ashnur - 1
Web configurator & compiler
#112 opened by infogulch - 1
Prompt rendering in JuiceSSH on android
#127 opened by geolaw - 15
Updated install, segments error
#100 opened by pulberg - 4
- 2
conda env segment
#93 opened by jbuencuerpo - 4
- 4
- 3
- 1
Git dirty segment
#83 opened by silenc3r - 12
- 0
- 4
Dynamic segments?
#14 opened by dflock - 3
Moving segments and configuration
#17 opened by Phidelux - 1
Add support for themes
#23 opened by brujoand - 1
Start using actual color scheme
#62 opened by brujoand - 1
- 13
Background Color of Bash Indicator
#26 opened by Phidelux - 1
- 2
- 5
Missing settings.default?
#39 opened by jlyman - 2
- 5
- 14
- 1
Configurable Bash Indicator
#27 opened by Phidelux - 1
Travis should at least run shellcheck
#20 opened by brujoand - 3
Multiple empty lines on long path
#2 opened by Phidelux - 5
Use for git.bash
#13 opened by yan-ming - 1
Filler width calculation
#8 opened by Phidelux - 5
Time Settings
#12 opened by Phidelux - 1
Transparent filler
#6 opened by Phidelux - 4
- 2
Path in one segment
#3 opened by Phidelux - 2
Does this work on linux?
#1 opened by milne-dev