Torrent Client Using Golang

The project involves building a command-line torrent client that can download and upload files using the BitTorrent protocol. The client is built using the Go programming language and leverages the built-in concurrency and networking features of the language to provide fast and efficient downloads and uploads.

The torrent client is built using the following key components:

  • Torrent file parser: The client is able to parse torrent files and extract the necessary information such as the tracker URL, file name, file size, and pieces.

  • Tracker communication: The client communicates with the tracker to obtain a list of peers currently sharing the file. The client then connect to the peers and exchange data using the BitTorrent protocol.

  • Piece management: The client downloads and uploads file pieces as needed to complete the file. The client keeps track of which pieces have been downloaded and which pieces are still needed.

  • Concurrency: The client uses Go's concurrency features such as goroutines and channels to provide efficient downloads and uploads.

  • Error handling: The client has a robust and handle errors such as connection timeouts, network failures, and corrupt data.

  • Fault tolerance: The client is able to recover from errors and continue downloading and uploading files, by retrying failed operations and utilizing disk persisted bitfield.

Overall, the project provides a functional and efficient torrent client that can handle large file downloads with ease. The use of Go's concurrency features ensures that the client can handle multiple downloads and uploads simultaneously.

Group Members

  • Bruk Tedla
  • Abel Mekonen
  • Eyob Zebene
  • Abdulaziz Ali
  • Bahailu Abera