Give voice commands to Mycroft to control a MagicMirror.
This mycroft skill passes commands to an accessible MagicMirror installed anywhere on the same network as Mycroft. It requires a working install of MagicMirror and the MMM-Remote-Control module. It must be installed AND ACCESSIBLE ON THE SAME NETWORK AS MYCROFT.
This skill requires MMM-Remote-Control be installed and working properly on the MagicMirror.
You must configure the MagicMirror's config.js file to properly whitelist the ip address of your Mycroft.
In the MagicMirror's config.js:
Replace: address: "localhost", With: address: "", and
Replace: ipWhitelist: ["", "::ffff:", "::1"], with ipWhitelist: ["", "192.168.X.1/24"],
You can use this skill to hide or show modules, update the mirror or individual modules, refresh or restart the mirror, list installed modules, install modules by name (will still require you to configure the MagicMirror config.js by SSH or VNC for the particular skill you install), change pages of modules by either swipe commands or telling mycroft to "go to page [number]"(requires that MMM-pages be installed), restart or reboot the Raspberry Pi.
MMM-Remote-Control requires the module identifier to know which module to perform ModuleActionKeywords on (HIDE|SHOW) for example. This skill parses the MODULE_DATA returned from the MMM-Remote-Control and compares it to the file "AvailableModules.json" It then creates another file called file "AvailableModulesWithIdentifier.json" to store the module identifier that matches the ModuleKeywords. Modules identifiers may change depending on their order in the MagicMirror config.js file. Everytime you install a new module the module identifiers may change. If you run into issues, restart MagicMirror and Mycroft, and this skill should update the changed module identifiers. Just be aware after installing new modules and updating the config.js file that voice commands may not work properly until you restart both MagicMirror and Mycroft.
To match what Mycroft hears to a module, for instance a user would say 'weather' but if MMM-WunderGround is installed and displayed, it would be considered the "weather" module. These adjustments are made by changing the "mycroftname" in the file "AvailableModules.json" For example: search for "weather" in the file "AvailableModules.json" and change it's mycroftname to something other than weather like 'weather old' or 'current weather'. Then search for MMM-Wunderground and change it's mycroftname to 'weather'. The change must be to a module name that is also reflected in the ModuleKeywords.voc otherwise mycroft will not recognize the name. For your changes to persist all modifications should be made to the file "AvailableModules.json"
The way this skill works is by requests.get(url,params) sending a get request to the MMM-Remote-Control module via url for example 'http://localhost:8080/remote?action=someaction¶m=someparameter'
This skill includes intents for 90% of what the MMM-Remote-Control module is capable of doing. The other 10% is a work in progress.
If you would also like to "see" the interaction between Mycroft and the MagicMirror, there is another module you can install and configure on your MagicMirror. It is my fork of the MMM-Kalliope module and can be found here. You can see a video example of it in action here
Navigate to the /opt/mycroft/skills $ folder
git clone
When Mycroft initializes the skill, it will ask you for the ip address of your MagicMirror (Be ready, it happens fast). You must use one of the phrases from the SetIpKeywords.voc if you wish to set the ip by voice. For example when you hear the sound that Mycroft is listening:
- set mirror ip address 192.168.X.X
- make mirror ip address 192.168.X.X
- mirror ip address is 192.168.X.X
- the mirror ip address is 192.168.X.X
- mirror ip address 192.168.X.X
- ip address 192.168.X.X
- set ip address 192.168.X.X
Be careful to not say "Hey Mycroft...Set mirror ip address to X" because Mycroft confuses the word "to" with the word "two" and thinks it is part of the ip address.
Of course you can always type any of those commands into Mycroft's CLI at any point after the skill is initialized. You can also change the ip address that Mycroft tries to connect to the MagicMirror by using any of those commands later if the address of the mirror changes.
The skill is configured to connect to the default port of :8080, which is the default port of the MagicMirror. If you change default port in the config,js of the MagicMirror, this skill will no longer connect to the MagicMirror.
It can be tricky to properly whitelist the ip of your Mycroft in the MagicMirror's config.js. Instructions can be found here.
- "Hey Mycroft: hide clock"
- "show clock"
- "turn on weather"
- "turn off weather"
- "show [insert module name]"
- "hide [insert module name]"
- "update mirror"
- "update [insert module name]"
- "restart pi"
- "restart mirror"
- "refresh mirror"
- "reboot raspberry pi"
- "show article details" (for news feed)
- "hide article details"
- "swipe left" (requires pages module to be installed)
- "swipe right" (requires pages module to be installed)
- "list installed modules" (Mycroft will tell you which MagicMirror modules are installed)
- Åke Forslund Forslund for helping a noob with a ton of questions
- Kathy Reid @KathyReid for her advice
- Michael Teeuw MichMich the creator of MagicMirror
- Jopyth for MMM-Remote-Control module
- fewieden a.k.a. strawberry 3.141 for pointing me in the right direction at the start
platform_picroft, or platform_mark1, or platform_plasmoid