
A Trello-like application to create project boards and to-do lists. Built with JavaScript, HTML5 and Sass..

Primary LanguageCSS

To-do app

Table of Contents


This project consists of a Trello-like application, where the user can create project boards and, inside each project, to-to lists. The items on the to-do list can be personalized to include details such as checklists, priority level, and due date. This app follows the MVC pattern and CRUD actions. The data is saved in the local storage.

The original description can be found at The Odin Project


screenshot screenshot screenshot

Live Demo

Live Demo Link

Built With

  • HTML5.
  • Sass.
  • JavaScript.
  • webpack 3.
  • npm.


  • Online version:

Access this link and start by creating a new board.

  • Local version:

To install a local version of this app, download or clone the project here, then navigate to the project's directory from the terminal and run the following comands:

  • npm i
  • npm run start

Future features

  • create a login system.
  • use external storage API to store the data.


👨 Nicolás Mariño Parra

👩 Bruna Genz

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

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