Twitter Relevant Information

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Can you tell which are the most relevant tweets for a given user? And the most relevant users? A relevant tweet is a tweet that mentions a certain user. Also, it cannot be a reply to the user's tweet.

This project gathers and lists the most relevant tweets and users for a certain user. They are sorted by importance:

  1. Tweets of users that have more followers
  2. Tweets that have more retweets
  3. Tweets that have more likes

What did we use?

See more on Gemfile.

Development (Windows 10)

Running the application

  • Go to the project's root directory.
  • Setup the environment variables. Their values must be set with Twitter API Key and Twitter API Secret. If you do not want to set those variables, you can open config/secrets.yml and set twitter_api_key and twitter_api_secret values.
  • Open config/secrets.yml and set username with the account name of the user that you want to get the relevant information. E.g.: If the username is set to justinbieber, then the application will list all relevant tweets and users for the user @justinbieber.
  • Install the required gems.
bundle install
  • Create the database.
ruby bin/rails db:migrate
  • Run the application.
ruby bin/rails server
  • Access localhost:3000 to see the relevant users and tweets for the given user (defined by username).

Running the tests

  • Go to the project's root directory.
  • Install the required gems.
bundle install
  • Create the database.
ruby bin/rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
  • Run the tests.
ruby bin/rails test

Known issues

SSL Certificate (Windows)

In Windows environment, the first localhost:3000 access gives a 500 error related to SSL certificate. If this happens, just access localhost:3000 again.