Module 3: Final Evaluation

Hello there! Here you're going to find information about how to access my final evaluation project for module 3 of the web programming bootcamp in Adalab!

This is the final product in case you want to see it before accessing it:

This web-page is optimized for the following screen sizes: 320px, 768px and 1024px.

Everything you need to know about this project

My task was to make a web-page with React about Rick and Morty with the following functionalities and requirements:

  1. Print on the web-page all the character cards using fetch and print only the required data about each of them (image, name and species).
  2. Add a search bar so that the user could search for their preferred character and create a filter so that only those with the exact name would appear.
  3. Have a "not found" message in case the user searches for a character that it's not on the list.
  4. Create another filter so that the user can filter all the characters by species.
  5. If the user clicks on any character, it should take them to another page with a more complete card of the character showing more information about it.

As this was a module 3 project, they wanted us to focus more on React and then work on CSS, so that we could first practice some of the following React characteristics:

  • fetch
  • components
  • routes
  • functions
  • arrays
  • objects

.. and of course use some HTML and CSS.

Follow these steps to access my project!

  1. Either clone the repository or download it. I recommend downloading it so that it works without any problems!

  2. Use the terminal to install dependencies using:

    npm install
  3. Run the project with:

    npm start

..and you're done!

I hope this project is useful to you!