
A program to record daily and manage data of the Covid19 cases for the 5 highest counties in Ireland.

  • The program will allow a user to enter the details for the 5 highest counties and write them to file.
  • The program will allow a user to work with the data from the file as follows on a menu-based system:
  1. View all data
  2. View data by county
  3. Find county with highest number of cases
  4. Calculate average age
  5. Find % number of males and % number of females by county
  6. Write all details of the county with the lowest number of cases to new file
  7. Exit System


Option 1

This option shows all the data for all the 5 counties.

Option 2

This option allows a user to enter a county name. If that county name exists on file all details for that county is displayed, otherwise an error message is given.

Option 3

This option find and display the county with the highest number of cases recorded. Display the number of cases.

Option 4

Using the median age for each county, this option calculate and display the average age.

Option 5

This option allows a user to enter a county name. If that county exists on file it calculate and display the percentage number of males and percentage number of females.

Option 6

This option find the county with lowest number of cases and write all details for that county out to a new file called LowestCases.txt