Web-based space strategy (4X) game written in JavaScript and PHP back-end.
- Five different races (offensive, defensive, technological, neutral and collective mind) and government types (each one with its pros and cons);
- Nine battleships classes and several science/exploration starships;
- Exploration and colonization capabilities: 11 different planet classes;
- Build starbases, shipyards and outposts;
- Economy, budget and natural resources management;
- Science schools and applied technology research:
- 12 hulls, 5 armors, 4 deflector shields, 11 energy weapons, 8 missile weapons, 2 sublight impulse engines, 5 hyperdrive engines and 4 computer systems enhancements;
- Diplomacy office, agreements and commercial deals;
- Military development, fleets managements and battles!
###Folder Structure###
root - index.php ONLY, nothing else!
'-/css - Compiled CSS files (do not modify manually)
'-/fonts - True-type web fonts
'-/images - As it says, images, textures, icons, etc.
'-/scss - Source Sass/Compass files
/controllers - PHP controllers for each program module
/kernel - Main core PHP files (database, security, authentication, etc)
/libraries - Specific JavaScript functions to be used in each module
'-/core - JavaScript libraries to be used in any part of the program
/thirdparty - As it says, third-party PHP and JavaScript libraries
/views - HTML templates for each module
###About the Author###
Brunno Pleffken Hosti, programmer well-versed in object-oriented PHP and .NET/C# (ASP.NET, Windows Forms, WPF and Windows Phone development). Currently, Front-End developer at Phocus Interact (www.phocus.com.br).
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/brunnopleffken