- Sudoku is a combinational number-placement puzzle. The objective of sudoku is to fill a 9×9 grid with some digits in such a way so that each column, row, and nine 3×3 subgrids contain all of the digits from 0-9.
- We’ll use an algorithm called backtracking. Backtracking is an algorithm for finding solutions to some computational problem. It tries to find a solution until it validates all criteria.
- In sudoku, the algorithm will put a number in an empty space and then move on to the next empty space, if anywhere some criteria fail then it will turn back to some previous solutions and changes it according to the criteria. It continues until it finds a final solution that matches all the criteria.
- Generates a random, solvable Sudoku board every time the script is executed
- Easy-to-use GUI for inputting and solving puzzles
- Visualizer feature demonstrates how the backtracking algorithm works
- Option to receive hints for tricky puzzles
- Improves cognitive abilities, including concentration and logical thinking
- Import necessary packages.
- Find sudoku board in an image.
- Split the board.
- Predict digits of each box.
- Solve the board.
-In this project, we built OpenCV sudoku solver algorithm that detects sudoku board from an image and then solves it. Through this project, we’ve learned about deep learning, image transformation, and some other image processing operations.