
A docker compose playground for Relational Migrator, including its supported source databases and a target MongoDB database

Diagram Overview


This project allows you to quickly spin up a playground to test migration from multiple relational databases over to MongoDB by leveraging Relational Migrator.


The diagram above reflects the state of the Playground once fully complete. At this point in time however, the only source databases implemented are:

  • MySQL
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • PostgreSQL

Getting started

Setup / Start up

Getting started is as easy as:

  • Cloning the repo
git clone git@github.com:bruno580/migrator-playground.git
cd migrator-playground
docker-compose up -d

Using Relational Migrator

You should now be able to access Relational Migrator by navigating to http://localhost:8080.

Connecting to the databases

Each database is forwarding their default TCP ports onto their respective port in your local machine, therefore to connect to any databases from your localmachine, simply use any SQL client of your choice and connect to localhost on the specific default port for that database. Important: Because Relational Migrator is running from within a container itself, you will need to use the container name instead of localhost. Please refer to the table below for details.

Database Hostname
(SQL Client)
Port Username Password
MySQL localhost mysql-db 3306 root root_password
PostgreSQL localhost postgresql-db 5432 migrator demo123
SQL Server localhost sqlserver-db 1433 sa YourStrongPassword!
MongoDB localhost mongodb-target 27017 root example

Example: Based on the above table, this is what the connection string should look like for a migration job onto mongodb-target:


Data loading

When you bring the environment online, the databases are all empty. Feel free to use your sample schema of choice. A really basic example for MySQL can be found here.

Stopping / Cleaning up

  • To stop the containers, simply run:
docker-compose stop
  • To remove the containers, run:
docker-compose down