
React project using Material Ui, to manage parts os contract

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Dashboard Material UI

Badge em Desenvolvimento


This project is a dashboard, builded in Reacts e using Material UI Dashboar Template Design. The backend of this project is backend_materiais_api.

This application was made to managemente of maintenance contract, just receive requests, consult database and show results (response) in JSON format.

This application was made to manage services, parts and period of maintenance contracts. How this app was made in portuguese, see a little translate of main points below:

  • Materiais -> Parts
  • Unidade -> Company
  • Departamento -> Departament
  • Setor -> Sector
  • Estoque -> Parts Inventory
  • Contrato -> Contract
  • Serviços -> Services
  • Vigencia -> Contract Period


Building and running the project in your local dev environment is very easy. Be sure you have Git and Node.js installed, then follow the directions below.

  1. Clone the source code. git clone https://github.com/brunoaffonso/dashboardDae_materialUI.git

  2. Install development dependencies. yarn install or npm install

  3. Run a local development server. yarn start or npm start

Project pendences

  • Authentication: Implement JWT authentication
  • Refactoring
  • Login page
  • bugs


React Material UI


Badge em Desenvolvimento

Project developed for learning purposes.