Tamanna Weather App

This app is part of a challenge proposed by Tamanna, where I needed to create a Weather App using OpenWeatherMap API. This app was created using React, Next.js, TypeScript and Styled Components.

Tamanna Weather App


  • Get user's geo location;
  • Show current weather, based on user's location (or default location);
  • Forecast for the next 7 days;
  • User can add and save cities at Locations page;
  • User can remove already saved cities from Locations page;
  • The list of cities added by the user will persist in order to continue when he leaves and comes back to the app.


Before you start, please check if you have Node.js LTS installed as well as Git.

Optionally you can use Prettier and EditorConfig extensions in your VSCode.

How to run?

Use git to clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/brunoalvs/tamanna-weather-app.git

Inside app's folder, make a copy of .env.local.example file and rename copy to .env.local, then add your OpenWeatherMap API Key and Open Cage Data API Key

cp .env.local.example .env.local

Install dependencies

npm install

Start app running

npm run dev