
Studying node.js react.js and rect native

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Node project - Impulse Rocketseat


Setp by step

  • Install express, ts-node-dev, typescript, prisma

Ex: yarn add express

yarn add -D ts-node-dev @types/express typescript

  • Install prisma (prisma.io)
yarn add -D prisma 
yarn prisma init

after create schemas runs: 
yarn prisma migrate dev

yarn prisma studio // open sgbd in browser

note: to subscribe some type we can create the same sctructure inside our project and override the type adding new fields. Example: @types/express/index.d.ts

install socket.io

yarn add socket.io
yarn add -D @types/socket.io ```

aula 1 OK 


vitejs.dev to install react project

``` yarn create vite web --template react-ts ```

Configure and exclude all unused files

By default we will use css modules from vite.

install ```yarn add sass```

```yarn add react-icons 

class 02 37:29

Styling page fetching data from api config for github authentication

class 02 1:08:37

install yarn add socket.io-client

class 03 -- buildin an mobile app

  • install the tools (xcode and android studio)

to start a new project runs:

npx expo init nlwheatapp
npx expo start

Documentation for expo:

go to docs.expo.dev

install google fonts in guid tab:

expo install expo-font @expo-google-fonts/roboto
expo install expo-app-loading

to recognize svg as component we need to install an expo react native svg, just search by svg in expo docs and after install svg transform

expo install react-native-svg
yarn add --dev react-native-svg-transformer

after we have to add metro.config.js, following the docs from svg transform react native: https://github.com/kristerkari/react-native-svg-transformer

install react native x helper to spacing top space in iphone for example

yarn add react-native-iphone-x-helper

install lineargradient from expo

expo install expo-linear-gradient

class 03 1:12:45

install moti to animations

yarn add moti
expo install react-native-reanimated

after installation include a new plugin at babel.config (https://docs.expo.dev/versions/v44.0.0/sdk/reanimated/)

to authentication we have to use AuthSession from expo

expo install expo-auth-session expo-random

add new auth project at github adding from expo. (https://docs.expo.dev/versions/v44.0.0/sdk/auth-session/)

add new scheme in package.json.

class 03 2:03:35

to configure axios get your IP.


install asyncstore from expo

expo install @react-native-async-storage/async-storage

class 03 2:36:38

install socket-io

yarn add socket.io-client

Top class!!